For a week now I have been on this sight, The Watch Tower sight, Reading 3 diffrent Translations of the bible ( KJ, NWT, and New American Standard,) Would have a 4th translation If I could read Greek because I also have a Greek New Testament. I have also been in long conversations with the Guy that is a JW and find myself Overwhelmed. I am getting addicted to all this and the research. I feel like I am going in all kinds of directions and needing structure. I feel at a dissavantage because I don't have access to the books and publications from the WTS, I am not looking to tear down this religion, just trying to understand. I was accused of looking for the negative, by being on this sight, I don't really think that is what I am doing just trying to get understanding of something I have never been exposed to and was raise to fear.
I know I have gotten a lot of help here, and can't express the thanks. I know this journey in my life right now is going to be like climbing a huge mountain and not having the proper equipment I might fall and get hurt.
I will say a postive thing I have found out about the JW religion, though people are complaining about it, They do make you study and learn more about what they tell you that you believe, They know their scriputre and thier history. While I was raised in the church I will confess that I am relying on memory of what I was taught in Sunday School or what the service was about. I have never gotten in and studied it for myself. I was considered a trouble maker as a teen in the church, I would always think out side the box and question things, and when I would ask what about this, I was told that the Bible was ordained by God and that I should just accept what was written. That we would have all the answers after the Rapture. I instead of doing more research on my own shyed away from it.
I feel I am vunerable becasue I have not been in a church in 10 years regularly, ( many reasons and you can read some of why on this post I did here . And I am not where I need to be spiritually and have blamed God for some of the devasting things tha has happened in my life over the last 4 years. (Daughter that is needing a double lung transplant) I also have a mother that would sit and preach at me about faith and trusting God yet I did not see the fruits of it in her life, or judging me when clearly the bible says that we are not to sit in judgment that is for God to do, oh and by the way speaking of that is that not what the elders are doing, when they DF someone? My jw guy has tried explaining this DF thing and he is getting frustrated because I don't see it has a healthy thing. ( By the way he has been DF once himself ) He has suggested I call my local kingdom hall to get the answers maybe they could explain it better. Told him was not doing that, then I asked him if his elder father would be able to explain it a better way.
Guess I am looking for suggestions on how to not be negative on this research . I realize that there is a lot of hurt here, and rightfully so from what I am reading . How do I answer those type of questions about where I am getting my information and that the people feeding me the lies are people who refuse to listen.
Another Question why does a JW when answering a question always have to use and anology to get their point across and not just answer the question at hand?
Okay guess I have vented enough this morning. See what I mean about being all over the place and my mind in overload?