Here I sit, in my public library, typing away a computer from a hot nasty seat.
But I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world right now. (okay, maybe a couple of other places)
I have to be at work in 40 minutes, and its a 15 minute drive from here, so lets not expect a novel of a post.
Yesterday was my birthday, and they did a little cake thing for me and all that which was nice, but otherwise, nothing is new.
My mother seems to be cooling off, but lets just say that the "excrement flinging fan" hasn't been turned off yet.
I'm 18 now, and nothing is different. Life sucks, its hot outside, and all of my employees are about as helpful as a plucked chicken.
But I'm an adult, like that matters. No tattoos (yet) , no cigarettes, no lotto ickets.
I look forward to getting a PO Box, and I'm not going to ask everyone to send money, because not everyone can. But, if you can sit down and write out a letter, i'd like that. I'd like to know peoples opinions, even if they are horribly wrong.
Well, Target calls- but I'll be talking to you all tommorrow.