You asked for an online list of WT misquotes......

by rebel8 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mavie
    mavie you realize that you are making other jw's look like fools with your comments? Try not to react. Think slowly, logically.

  • ballistic
    Duh , yes I know this is mostly an ex jw site.

    Sooo Are you telling me I can't be here?

    No not at all! You are welcome. It's just that you seem to be questioning us from the scriptures. Some here still believe the scriptures, some don't. I'm confused as to what your position is.

  • merfi

    On the contrary, we welcome you and your comments. I think it was told to you that it's mostly exJW here out of kindness -- so that you know you may not be agreed with in some of your opinions. You warned up there a bit about not obeying the FDS and being on an apostate site, we just want you to know that that is where you are as well...

    So, could you tell us your story? What brought you here? How long have you been in the Truth?


  • mrsjones5


  • merfi

    agreed Just trying to speak his/her language.

  • mrsjones5

    I understand...I have to steel myself. Will soon be surrounded by jws.


  • ballistic
    I understand...I have to steel myself. Will soon be surrounded by jws.

    Not if you don't scare them all off.

  • merfi
    I understand...I have to steel myself. Will soon be surrounded by jws.

    breeeeeathe Josie, breathe! The thought of having to go the occasional meeting (for/with the kids. for now...) gives me hives. I can't imagine how you feel with your impending visit to CA. Yikes. I can give you my cell # and you just go and text me during the meeting, k? LOL


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear JW,

    Welcome. This particular thread is a little perplexing. Maybe there is some misunderstanding regarding your initial post of all the scriptures. You are right in that we need to believe Gods word OVER mans. But that is where the disagreement comes into play. All witness will agree that the ones directing the organization are spirit directed. Only men yes, but under Gods direction as his sole channel. Therefore, as a faithful witness, you are to obey the Faithful slave as if from God, or if you don't, your actions prove you have disassociated yourself from "God's organization". When the Society makes errors, or they return to old thinking they use the "new light" phrase. They claim that they are only men. Yet they want unquestionable loyalty. Even calling themselves a "prophet". When you are trained as a JW you take in the "spiritual food", never questioning anything. As if it came from God himself. Only those who allow themselves to check things out, come to realise that many times the Society has dileberatly misquoted from MANY different sources. As Rebel posted just a few. I personally have the A.K. Graysons book that Rebel shows the Society misquotes from. It is out and out deliberate deception!! Real truth does not decieve! And we know Jehovah would NEVER approve of a organization that does!!! No matter what label they have given themselves. Many ones here on this site including myself have spent countless hours digging for what is actually truthful out of everything that we have been ever taught by the organization. The scriptures tell us to,"keep checking, keep making sure." With that in mind we all SHOULD be double checking EVERYTHING that we are being taught, no matter what religion we belong to. However, I can tell you from personal experience, that once the Elders knew I had serious questions, I began to be watched, very closely. I don't know if you are a JW or not (sounds like you are), but if you are and were to express to your Elders what you have said here, about not following "men", you too would find yourself under a magnifying glass!! And you would find yourself faced with answering their 50 million dollar question, "Do you believe this is God's spirit appointed organization??" Your answer had better be "Yes". I hope this helps you understand why information that others post here such as Rebel has done, has and will continue to help many. Even if yo don't find any use for it yourself.


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Rebel,

    THANK YOU!! We really appreciate you posting this for us!


    Lady Liberty

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