Prayer Room - To Jesus. WELCOME!!!

by BlessedStar 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lovelylil

    Dearest JH,

    I am all for everyone being free to believe what they want, but I find your last comment to be a little offensive. And I am sure others will too. I am sure you meant it as a joke, but please be kind and sensitive to others beliefs also. Thank you. Lilly

  • BlessedStar

    Trust in him at all times! People, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.

    Yes people God loves us. He will take care of us when we are at our saddest moments. He will bring us out of the rot! Praise the Lord anyhow!

    Blessed Star

  • JH

    OK, ill be nice, i'll say this prayer 3 times kneeling down in the corner

    Hail Mary, full of grace.
    Our Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners,
    now and at the hour of our death.

  • LittleToe

    Dawg, you're scary!

    ~ducks and runs~

  • BlessedStar

    We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.


    JH, did you know that Mary was the chosen vessel through which Jesus was born, however we do not pray to her because she was only human. She was not a goddess.

  • LittleToe

    I wonder if it's acceptable to petition others for assistance in interceding for us?

  • anewme

    Man that Blessed Star has a way of breaking down the best of them and getting them to their knees in humble homage!

    Bless you Blessed Star!!!

  • ButtLight
  • BlessedStar

    What are we thankful for?

    Who do we say thanks to?

    When someone does somethig for us we say thanks. God has done so many things for us, soooooo we say...God gave us the earth and furnished it - who else you think would do that?

    Thank you God for the things you have given to us today! Thank you for the trees, the flowers. Thank you for our families and friends.


  • Genesis

    Jesus dude, you know I love you !!If you want to change some water into beer it would be great !


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