Tea4two, your friend is very depressed. He was dismantling his life. He was destroying something he loved because he was sooo unhappy. Im sure he regrets killing his little chickens. But that was a forgiveable sin.
He needs rest and meds and love. When he is well, he can get more chickens. Some people kill their families under the same pressure. So sad.
So many mental and emotional problems in people today could be helped by rest, meds and love, mainly love.
Having someone to listen to you without judging you harshly is really important to the healing process.
There is so much pressure today. We can all do our part to help our world by being patient and kind and non judgemental and mellow with our fellow humans in every circumstance---while driving, standing in lines, seeking assistance, dealing with bosses and workmates and difficult family members.
And I think JWD is doin a kind of humanitarian service here offering itself as a place for people to vent their anger and frustrations as they heal from an abusive cult and past.
Children should be shown alot of encouragement and love and kisses and hugs and reassured they are ok and will be ok in the future.
Tell everyone you know that everything is going to be alright (even if you are unsure how things are going to turn out) Convince yourself and others that everything is going according to the plan and will be alright.
Sometimes I think Jesus was that kind of comfort to people. He gave them confidence that they were loved by his father and that the father cared for them. He encouraged prayer to the father and told his followers they were worth alot to his father. He told them not to worry, their homes in heaven were secured.
What a cruel world that so many people feel so unloved and unwanted that they want to cut and burn and otherwise hurt and dismantle and take apart their lives because they feel hopeless and worthless.
I feel part of our purpose as humans is to comfort each other, and help one another.
Today is a lovely warm sunny day where I live. Cicadas are creaking, doves are cooing, the creek is flowing, the bees are buzzing. Nature is trying to soothe me and tell me everything is going to be alright. Everything is going as planned. Nature is not condemning. She is loving and accepting and nurturing. When we learn to love and nurture ourselves and become kind to ourselves as well as to others, we pass along the message of life that is at the core of life on earth.
We all should be very careful what messages we listen to. Does the music, tv, church, magazines I read promote love and acceptance of myself and all living things? Or does it promote materialism, phony skin deep surface qualities, hatred of others and myself?
I even reject the idea of original sin. Jesus said "Go and sin no more" We are always growing and learning. What happened in the past is in the past. Today is a new day. Tomorrow will be bright and beautiful!
Fill your life with LOVE AND FORGIVENESS for yourself and for those around you and you will find the peace of God.
For all of you,
I do love you, and Im sorry about your pain. But you need to stop harming a child of God, you.
You are important to him and to me!
Anyone know about 'cutting'?
by love2Bworldly 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My friends ex-H broke their little Italian Greyhound's leg. Then he'd kick the dog when she was around. Her therapist said that he was in fact kicking her (my friend) and that it would escalate. It did. Killing the things you "love" usually has lots more to do with actions you might take against the person who has caused you some supposed distress. This is a real danger sign. If you truly think that another person is responsible for your troubles then this can happen. People get divorced everyday and they don't have to kill anything (pets or people).
Now CUTTING; It isn't just women . Many young men (probably older guys too) cut for the same reasons girls do it. The euphoric feelings of knowing your-self and release --- this is the real me and it looks and feels good. All the medication and therapy in the world will not change how your friends feel about cutting. AND if you pray and don't get healed then what? I don't think that faith and prayer are always the cure for everyone.
Panda, I heard that cutting was used like a drug to mask some emotional pain.
When the underlying emotional pain has been addressed and understood and dealt with, doesnt the need for cutting stop? Just like the need for alcohol or drugs to mask emotional pain?
I thought that sexual abuse and/or feelings of low self worth were at the core of eating disorders and cutting and promiscuity etc.
I thought that given proper attention through love or professional therapy people could be helped. -
Oh, also I did not mean to imply that I thought being cruel to animals was not serious. Cruelty in any form is very serious and yes, it does escalate.
But slaughtering farm animals is not a punishable crime. But you are saying even that behavoir could be an indication that more serious acts of violence might follow? -
I understand what you are saying anewme. I couldn't believe he could kill his chickens except for food.....and he wouldn't even think of killing the chicks for food when he was ask that question months before he went on a rampage. They were his pets. We took photos of the rooster and he framed the photos and put the pictures on the wall in his living room..
Pix of Rooster and chicks below.
It disturbs me and I know he needs love and not judgment...I am still very much in shock at his action and can't bring myself to call him on the phone to talk. I don't know what to say to him. Sorry about highjacking the thread but in reading the experiences of the cutting of one's body because of depression or stress made me think of my friend because it was so unusual. He must be going through more stress than I know about and I need to call him. Yes this board is good for sounding off. Thanks to Simon....and those who have the ears to understand.
If the person performing the self-mutilation is seeing a therapist and they are not helping them with the real problem (depression/mental problems) please, please, please change doctors.
If the person does not have a ‘connection’ with his/her doctor it will be very difficult for them to open up to the therapist.
From personal experience with my son – there are simply some really horrible therapist that have their own agenda without real regard for the patient.
After the 4th doctor, we found a wonderful man that dug down deep and found the problems with my son.
I wanted to append myself to this thread - you know what it's like, you see a thread that prods one of your raw nerves and it's difficult to let it pass without saying something. And by "you" I mean "me" of course.
I don't have anything particularly intelligent to add except to say that I used to cut and scratch myself (many moons ago now) but one thing that's persisted with me is hitting myself in the head (fists or whatever's to hand) in times of stress, confusion, inward directed anger etc etc you know the sort of thing I'm sure. Self punishment? An attempt at taking control during times when I feel control is taken away? Meh, who knows.
Well, that was it really.
Iggyfish, My frind has a 2 yr old grandson who bangs his head whenever he's throwing a temper tantrum. He's just started this a few months ago. He does it because he's angry (I think).
Anewme, Yes the violence will escalate. And cutting really may or may not be "cured" But, persons I know have never stopped despte constant counceling.