Yes I've had one answered.When I was a child my Dad got laid off from his job.His unemployment was running out.We had no money saved.He was getting mean with us kids and hitting us a lot.Yelling at us everyday.So I prayed for him to get a job.The next day he got one.He was a lot nicer when he had a job.
Have you ever had a prayer answered?
by nicolaou 148 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My prayers were rarely specific requests, but I can recall a few cases. Especially the following (which I already recounted).
When I realised I was on my way out of the JWs, I had quite a difficult time. On the one hand I was overwhelmed with joy because my faith had been growing to something both simpler and deeper than the WT stuff; on the other hand I was crushed because JW-land had been my entire world for many years. I was about to hurt and disappoint many friends and I couldn't help it. This was terribly painful. One thing I asked in prayer at this point was, if possible, not to be left entirely alone in my leave.
I went on my lonely way in the next few months and almost forgot about this request. I submitted my resignation from Bethel and asked to resume my pioneer service where I hoped I could share my faith honestly until the expected ending. Next Memorial was the deadline in my mind, as I felt I had to partake and I knew this would trigger the judicial process. I was assigned to a Parisian congregation with another former Bethelite who had left sometime before. The day I was to leave Bethel this friend came to help me pack my things for the move. Before we left we had a last walk in the nearby forest and he told me, to my surprise, that he had decided to partake in the next Memorial, regardless of the consequences. I was stunned.
We spent a few amazing months in our congregation, gradually dropping any use of WT literature and using the Bible only. A few weeks after the Memorial both of us were df'd for apostasy as we expected.
I wouldn't say now that "God answered my prayer" -- this is too much of an objective statement for a subjective (or intersubjective) experience. But I can't dismiss the experience either, and prayer was definitely a part of it. All I can say is, sometimes, remarkable things happen when you pray. How or why they happen is another matter.
One recent example is my son (9mo. old now). My wife had experienced some abdominal pains around the 32nd week of the pregnancy and the doctors put her on bed rest. During other hospital visits, we were told that she would more than likely deliver by the 34th week if she took it easy, but probablly wouldn't make it much past that time. I prayed for her and our baby - that our son (didn't know at the time he was a he) would be born at full term. I remember a peace came to me about the situation and knew it was from God. I told people that he was going to be born full term because I knew before the time came, that God had answered that prayer. When we went in for the doctor's appointments to check on the progress of the pregnancy, the doctor's were baffled and kept commenting, "you should be having this child right now. We don't know why you aren't."
He was born on the 40th week. Due to a discrepancy in testing, the doctors are not sure if he was a week early or a week late. I say he was born at 40 weeks to the very day, exactly as God planned. One prayer request was that God would get the glory for answering that prayer and again, He gets the glory here.
God answers prayer.
The first time I wanted to partake, I actually got too scared to do it without talking to the elders. Because I knew people would gasp. While just feeling out the elders on the issue they were like "who is it?" "did someone say they were anointed? impossible". So I really wanted to get out at that point. So, I prayed to have it "hurry up" so I could be ready to partake the next year. I left in October 04. And partook the next April. Your story reminded me of what I went thru. At the time, my hubby would not support my decision at all. I am glad you had support during that time. Lilly
Apostate Kate
God answers my prayers daily. When a believer asks anything according to His will, He answers. When we pray out of His will He answers, yes, no or wait. I've had medical miracles with scanned records to prove it, I've had many medical miracles. The greatest was when I was dying of abdominal peritonitus, paralyzed intestines, after a botched surgery. I prayed and asked God to save me. The Spirit of Jesus came to me, healed me, and the next day the miracle of life was amazing! The fever broke, the faulty GI drainage tube was fixed (I was drowning in my own bodily fluids), the tube into my abdomen drained out and the swelling went down, I was lucid. Please oh mighty athiest do not accuse me of being on pain meds, fact was I was alergic to them and was down to almost nothing for pain. I was lost and then was found, dying and then living. I have had a close personal relationship with Jesus ever since.
I had a swift answer to prayer about an hour ago. I needed a place in a drug reabilitation center for a homeless person immediatly. And I needed the homeless person to be ready for treatment. This is no easy task. Especially since I am 75 miles away. I prayed and asked Jesus to please work on the persons heart to bring him to the spiritual place he needed to be to be ready for change. I prayed for a spot to be open, there is not always one open. I prayed for transportation. I prayed for help, and help came swiftly. The person is placed right now in a safe place where he can start working on his problem.
Prayer is a big part of my life. But it is more than just prayer. It is communing with my Maker. Seeking His face, His will, His heart. Worship in music is also a big part of my life. God to me is amazing, awesome, brilliant. The only thing I enjoy more than communing with Him, is enjoying His other creations.
Double Edge
Nuff said
Yes. I used to pray that my ex would commit adultery so I could be free. I was told by someone that I should be praying "when he does commit adultery, please let me know". So I prayed the "right" way and the next day I had confirmation in writing. Boy, was I a believer after that. Years later when I related the story to my current husband he said "how do you know that letter wouldn't have come the next day anyway". I guess I really don't know the answer to that.
Why would he answer that one prayer and none of the other of millions of requests I prayed for? If he would have answered my prayer for a JW husband, I probably would still be under their control.
YES. on many occasions.
Bumble Bee
When I was searching for answers, I knew something was wrong in the "org" but didn't know what. I had been inactive for several years, had stopped going to meetings and didn't know where to turn. I can't put into words the way I was feeling, everything in my life seemed to be falling apart. I sat down at the computer and prayed for some guidance, some insight on what was going on. I needed to know what to do with my life, go back to the KH or not.
I had never before did any searches on JW's (I obeyed all the "societies" directions on using the internet). I typed "Jehovah's Witnesses" in a search engine and came upon this site (and a couple of others). I didn't join here right away (I lurked for a couple of years), but joined another site and worked through my emotions.
I would say that is a prayer answered (btw - it would be the first prayer that I can think of that was answered).
I prayed that I would get "the truth". Thirty years after becoming a JW I got it.