Oldflames predictions for the future !

by oldflame 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    You know something friends ? I watch a lot of news, I guess you can ay I am a news junkie of sorts. Everyday something is happening in the world that seems to leading to one thing. Total Kaos.

    Our government showing just how corupt a government can be and how blatent they do so. With an attitude of (so what) With all that's going on right now in the world all I can see is a very bad situation here. I see wars not only in others lands but in our own too. I see neighbor warring with other neighbors and countries in total Kaos.

    Is this the beginning of the end ? Is prophecy being fulfilled as we are living today ? I am beginning more and more to believe it so. Nuclear plants in Iran being built and so openly to the world and no one is doing anything about it. Hell they went to Iraq on a whim which I believe was a blatent lie and Iran says we are and stay out of it ! And what ? Are there any attempts to stop it and stop it now ? NO !

    China second largest user of oil next to the USA is soon to be ahead of Americas oil use. I can just see us in a 1973 gas war again but this time it will be bad, real bad. I think people will be killing people for gas. If you think it's not possible just wait folks. It's going to be bad !

    If I were in Isreal right now I would be worried because if Iran has their way Isreal will be gone, I believe that's what the nuclear is for. The president of Iran has pretty much made that clear to the world. I feel God is coming soon.

    What do you think ?

  • stillajwexelder

    I agree that things look scary right now - but I am sure it is not the Big A

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    NOTTTT THE END!!! It could be SO MUCH worse.

  • Mary
    I watch a lot of news, I guess you can ay I am a news junkie of sorts. Everyday something is happening in the world that seems to leading to one thing. Total Kaos.

    It is true that the world situation looks bleak, but there's a reason for that. Remember that expression "..All the bad news that's fit to print?" It's true. CNN, NBC, or any other newscast, rarely talk about anything positive. They're always reporting on all the BAD things going on in the world, because apparently, people can't get enough of it. I mean how often do you hear on the 6:00 o'clock news that Jane Brown helped an elderly woman with her grocery shopping today, just because she was nice? Never. Because that kind of news doesn't sell. But hey, if you heard that a woman with a criminal record a mile long name Jane Brown befriended her elderly neighbour and then ripped her off to the tune of $200,000 and beat the old woman to death with her cane----hey! That'd be on every news channel, right?

    I don't watch the news that much, simply because 99% of it is negative and depressing and it doesn't seem likely that it's going to change any time soon.........maybe you might try weaning yourself off watching so much news all the time......just a thought!

  • Mr. Rebel8
    Mr. Rebel8

    And stay away from newspapers too. I prefer reading the funny pages. Always brightens up my day!

    "Do not take life so seriously, for after all, nobody gets out alive"

  • looking_glass

    Remember there are ebbs and flow to all things. The oil crisis will pass and then the next crisis will appear.

    I agree with the theory about news agencies. The best way to keep people glued to their t.v. is to report all the bad news. The masses want the negative so that is what they are fed.

    The don't report on alternative fuel resources that are out there and are being discovered on a regular basis. I was in San Fran a couple of months ago and the car that was driving me around was fueled primarily by cooking oil.

    As for the end of the world, well according to Chicken Little it is coming any day now. I also believe the WTBTS are also claiming this.

  • TheListener

    It's all a cycle man.

    and then we die.

    and then it's all a cycle for our kids.

    and then they die.

    I need a beer.

  • anewme


    Now that I have your attention...ahem....I can get pretty paranoid too Oldflame. But believe me FEW PEOPLE IN THE WORLD BESIDES JWS THINK THE END IS COMING EVERYTIME SOME TURBAN TOPPED LOONEY THREATENS THE WORLD WITH A BOMB!

    My husband has more than once had to calm me down and do the unplugging for me. He does not suffer the same way. He knows the news people have a way of blowing up accounts and reports because it boosts the ratings.

    Most of the time there is more to the story. Keep that in mind. Nobody in their right mind wants to blow up the world and ruin it. Those people over there dont want to ruin the earth. Its all bravado and bluffing and threatening. They are unhappy and probably have their reasons. Diplomacy, negotiation, a little talking over a little eating and all can be worked out. You'll see.

    Take a hot bubble bath and two IBUPROFEN and hit the sack early. You'll feel better in the morning.

  • Robdar

    for Listener.

    Nope, I don't believe that anything like the Biblical Armageddon is coming. It's nothing supernatural. It's just your average man made world war that is headed our way. Unfortunately, it will probably be nuclear this time. When the missles are overhead, let's all drop acid and have an orgy.

  • LDH

    Don't forget, this kind of crap has been happening for millenia. We just hear about it now, 60 seconds later, courtesy of Ted Turner.

    I'm a GenXer so I'm a total info junkie. I recommend a good little disconnect for a while.


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