Do you know any "cheap" people?

by ButtLight 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere
    Hey, it is their choice.
    I think looking at men as a sex to be stung for money objectifies men in the same way as prostitution does women.

    Very true...However, I think if a woman is a prostitute it is her choice and her way of life. Much like a stripper. I have no problem with it. I had a discussion on the matter with friends, and we all agree is it a honest paying job. When a guy buys me a drink he knows I am married, I am not asking him or demanding a drink--he also knows that I am not going home with him.(this is all said and done before he orders the drink for me) Brooke

  • ballistic

    Fair enough Brooke. As you can imagine, life can be precarious for a man who likes to show women that he's generous and he can take good care of her but doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

  • Stephanus
    Even now, if the family is together for a Christmas function where presents are unwrapped, Mum will save the paper for wrapping things for the "Lucky Dips" that she runs at various fairs and fetes she attends.

    I should add, just to take the piss, at these times I say "Quick kids! Rip open those presents or you'll be getting the paper again on your next present from Grandma!"

  • ballistic

    I used the phrase "that he's generous and he can take good care of her" because that seems the way the world still is. I guess in a trully equal world men and women should be concerned with taking care of eachother and the only issue would be that you are loving and generous. I guess in such a world there would be no women soliciting money from men, equal employment and maybe finally the oldest profession would be laid to rest. I think we're a long way off it at the moment.

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