Hi, Zico, and welcome to the Forum
Ever since its founding back in 1879, with the publishing of the very first WT magazine in July of that year, the WT Society has indulged in all kinds of ignorant and extremist speculations, passing these off as "prophesies" One of their favourite pieces of theological nonsense is the way they have portrayed their [mis]understanding of the "King of the North"
Back in 1891, we have the first recorded description of this King made by the WTS: the publication entitled "Thy Kingdom Come" on pgs 39, and 40, identified this "King" as none other as Napoleon!! That was straight from the mouth of Joe Hoover, and if you respectfully disagreed, you were expelled from the "True" Fellowship.
This "Truth" lasted till 1942, when it was discovered that the same Joe Hoover had goofed, and it was'nt really Napoleon after all. It was in fact Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany along with his WW1 allies, Austo-Hungary and theTurkish Empire [The New World pg 324] The light was of course getting brighter, and the truth was getting "truther", so this was finally IT. Again if you disagreed you were out on your arse, mate. Why? Because this was Joe Hoovers WORD!
Naturally, with Joe Hoover "truth" is a flexible commodity, rather like being in a boat that is tossed about in the waves of different teachings, because in 1958, the "King of the North" changed yet again!! In the book, "Your will be done" we have these gems of information: "Jehovah's angel foretold further agression by the COMMUNIST King of the North, before his end at Armageddon" pg 300.
"The Soviet Union, the Communist power that since it seized power in Russia in 1917, has held world dominion as its aim to this day" pg 278.
The WTS were such marvelous prophets of God ["Jehovah provides his loyal servants with advance knowledge about this system's end" WT mag 1984, pg 8] that they were completely unaware that the King of the North, which was supposed to last right up to Armageddon, had in fact collapsed.
As they say, three strikes and you are out. Their prophetic "record" is a dismal ZERO.
This did not, however prevent them from writing another largish 11 page article in the WT mag in 1993, where they finally admitted that Joe Hoover did'nt know the identity of the "King of the North" - "Who is the King of the North? WE CANNOT SAY" [pg 22]
Truly did the prophet Jeremiah prophesy regarding these arrogant, selfserving and deceitful men " They are prophesying FALSELY in my name, is the utterance of Jehovah, I DID NOT SEND them" [Jer 27:15]
If you need more information, there is an excellent article written by BJ Kotwall, at "Shauns Research Site" on the web.