need Help! not sure what to do.

by confuuused 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    Your sixteen year old and seventeen year old still need you as a role model and parent in their life. Don't give up that blessed responsibility for any man. Any religion. Or any advice.

    Confuuused, I am curious. Why did you start studying with the Witnesses in the first place? Do you have an interest in spiritual things? Do you want to have a moral foundation for your life? What are you seeking?

    If I know what you are looking for, I might be able to redirect you to some other resources who are less harmful than the Witnesses.

  • EAGLE-1

    Stop the study and fumigate the house.We love ya.So there.Family first....................

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    ........ swollen with conceit........ holding the form of religion ......... Avoid such people. For among them are those who make their way into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and swayed by various impulses, who will listen to anybody......

  • merfi
    they avoid the question or give me the run around.

    Red flag, right there. You should be able to question, research, learn the history of your chosen religion. There shouldn't be cover-ups, lies, flip-flops in doctrine. You should be able to ask questions and receive solid answers. Getting the run-around or having your questions avoided should bring up yet one more big question -- WHY do they do this? Stick around here and you will without a doubt get answers.

    In the meantime, I agree with those who say to take a VERY extended leave of your studying. Get the book "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz (got mine at You will learn much.

    A religion that encourages severing of family ties screams cult. Seriously. This link shows the 8 marks of a mind-control cult. Each one of them fits the JW. This was a breath-holding eye-opener for me.

    Welcome to JWD!


  • anewme

    You could break it off now or you could spend years in a weird religion that thinks that everyone not JW (including your children) are going to be put to death by God shortly.

    The longer you hang around the KH the harder it will be to break it off.

    Trust us.

    Love your cattle dog avatar by the way.


  • ferret

    Welcome Confuused. I really cant add any more than whats been said, I can only urge you to check and double check all teachings before ever join this so-called religion.

  • unique1

    Your thinking is correct. The very word Christian means Christ Like. Jesus accepted all, faithful, tax collectors, prostitutes, people who disobeyed the law (woman who was healed from her bleeding was not to be among others by law yet she touched Jesus), etc. When the Pharisees called him out for this Jesus rebuked them. Jesus never shunned anyone even those persecuting him.

  • serendipity

    Welcome confuused!

  • LaCatolica

    Welcome to the forum...confuused!

    I'm not JW, but my husband and his family are. I'm here on a mission. I'm here to learn as much as I can about it and educate myself by hearing the many testimonies of all the cool people that are members of this forum. I really appreciate all the help I've gotten in regards to this and the answers to my questions. I don't ask my JW in-laws or husband b/c I don't want to get into arguments or create animosity. I will NEVER convert b/c I've always been very happy believing what I believe and glad that I can love everyone and accept the choices they make.

    Don't get sucked into an organization before looking deeply into it, before talking to those who have been through it, or doing the right kind of research. Do it for your own good!!! Any religious organization that tries to separate you from your family and loved ones is just WRONG!!! So, think about it and make the RIGHT choice! GOD IS LOVE!!!

    Don't feel guilty...follow your heart.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi confuuused, and welcome.

    Do not feel guilty about cancelling your study, you are walking away before you are in too deep. Many of us on here, myself included, wish we'd have done that. Keep reading on here, and in time you will not feel guilt, just relief.

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