1. Yes I can read. Babylon's king was called to account but you conveniently omit the fact that in the same breath, 'the nation and the land of Chaldea' was also called to account. How were those three entities called to account? Jeremiah continues to state that it was by those things being made 'desolate' and not by the fall or demise of a ruler or city. You must read the context. Applegate confirms this understanding of matters by celebrated WT scholars by noting on pages 92 and 96 that "that Babylon will be punished and desolated after seventy years".
Your attempt at misdirection is irrelevant, and we've been through this before. Regardless of how long the eventual destruction of the nation, and the land of Chaldea took, the limiting factor was the judgement of Babylon's king, which was definitely in 539. All 3 of these "entities" could only be called to account after the 70 years ended, so it doesn't matter one iota how long after that the other two were judged once the king was called to account. To clarify, none of the 3 would be judged before the 70 years ended, so when any were called to account, then the 70 years were over. The king is the limiting factor.
2. Indeed get a third party perspective on the meaning of that paragraph in the Isaiah commentary but better still you should study the entire volume for context because that is what you are missing. Context man! context, something of which apostates fail to grasp. There is no need to mention 537 BCE because this is not the context of Jeremiah's seventy years but that of Isaiah's seventy years for Tyre and Tyre alone.
You naive fool. You don't seem to understand... I've been there, done that. I've played your side of the game, I know it backwards. And then I was honest with myself and 'made the truth (not Truthâ„¢) my own' and studied the chronology properly from the bible, entire bible books verse by verse, making detailed notes and diagrams to get a proper picture of how everything fits together.
Of course, saying "Isaiah's seventy years for Tyre and Tyre alone" is flawed, because Tyre alone was not subject for 70 years, but only part thereof; the only context for the 70 years is that given by Jeremiah, which explicitly included Tyre.
3. So where is your proof from Josephus or are you simple relying on AlanF as to What to think and How to think? Do not worry I deal with the clown at a time of my choosing.
Both of us have previously posted information on the topic. I am not your puppet. Search the history yourself.