How did your parents punish you?????(Fluff)

by whyamihere 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Now I know the topic may be thought of as abuse scenario, however it is not.....(I am sick of hearing about abuse)

    I threw a party at my house(parents came home early)....Anyway, as a punishment I was to sand and stain shingles for the house. This was a huge job it took me 2 weeks to get it all done. That was a hot sticky summer that I will never forget.

    Did I learn my lesson????...Hell Yeah! I threw the house parties at my grand parents house.

    Any one else have funny punishments??


  • diamondblue1974

    I had been particularly bad one time and as a punishment I was made to visit my gran (only round the corner) and clean her house for her (I was 8??!); looking back it was my mothers way of getting out of doing it herself as she cleaned for her on a weekly basis.

    The thing is, my gran spoiled me rotten it was the best ever day and hardly a punishment!!

    If only she knew lol


  • looking_glass

    I got my driver's license early at 15. Long story, but short of it was when I was a teenager, if you were a straight A student and you had a person of influence vouch for you, you could get your license at 15. Anyways, for every minute I was late getting home, that was how many days I had to go without a car. It did not matter what the story was, traffic, flat tire, car jacking. Let me tell you the worst was 30 days without my car. It sucked.

  • Leolaia

    I was not allowed to go see Empire Strikes Back because I had put grill marks on some grapes and melted pennies on the stove.

    Eventually they realized that this was too severe as punishment, since everyone HAD to go see the new Star Wars movie.

  • Mulan

    Mom would always overreact and take away a privilege that was huge, like going camping with my grandparents for two weeks. She would always feel bad about it later and recant, but keeping her dignity intact.............."I forgot your brother's girlfriend is going, so you have to be there for her".

    Another time I was going to the Senior Prom and I was a Sophomore (I know what you're thinking, but it was 1961.......things were looser back then) I did something I don't remember what, and she said I couldn't go to the prom. I didn't really want to go anyway, so that was no biggie. The guy was kind of a geek but my mother studied with his mother, so she said I could go even though he was a "worldly" boy. I had been trying to figure out for weeks how to get out of it. He was devastated and wanted to intercede for me, but I laid it all on my father, and told him he didn't want to take him on. Actually Dad would have overruled Mom and made me go, if it were up to him. So, we didn't tell him, and I never let Mom know it wasn't a real punishment. I think maybe her conscience was bothering her for giving me permission to go.

    I also got spankings, but not after I was 11 or so.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    My mom was a hit first/ask questions later type. Never any "alternate" forms of punishment with her.

    My brother and sis in law usually make the kids write an essay on what they did wrong, why it was wrong and why they won't do it again. My neice helped a friend to "run away" to her fathers place (out of town, parents divorced). When it came time to do speeches at school, my neice had to write her speech on runaways. I thought that was an excellent idea.


  • ButtLight

    I was a good kid, never got spanked when i was young, and never got in trouble till I was 18! Nah Nah!

  • merfi

    Here's a weird one (but one I would consider doing to my own kids if need be). When my brother and I were about 12 and 14 respectively, the parents and their couple friends went out, leaving my bro and I and their two kids who were the same age as us. We decided to raid the alcohol. Just a tiny taste... When the parents all got home, they knew what we'd been up to. Our punishment? Drink a of Mad Dog. We were soooooo sick and I have not had a drop of MD since. *shudders*


  • serendipity

    My parents were abusive physically, so most punishments weren't funny. With that said, when my brother stuck his tongue out at us, my mother used to pour salt or pepper on it. Also, as a teen, I didn't greet my father when he walked into the room. So his 'logical' consequence was to make me scrape all the paint splatters off the windows of the house. After that, I started to say 'hi' to him, every time he entered the room I was in. I was saying hi 15 times a day. He finally told me to knock it off. But at least he didn't knock me across the room.

  • JH

    It's been so long ago....but my dad was very strict. He yelled loud !!! That alone was scary.

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