How did your parents punish you?????(Fluff)

by whyamihere 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    My mum got used to me absailing out of my bedroom window whenever I was grounded, so one dark evening she stood outside my window and threw stones up, just like my friends would, so down I come and who is waiting there for me, it was the last time I did it.

  • diamondblue1974
    My mum got used to me absailing out of my bedroom window whenever I was grounded, so one dark evening she stood outside my window and threw stones up, just like my friends would, so down I come and who is waiting there for me, it was the last time I did it.

    Thats too funny Ellie....I used to do the same... DB74

  • whyamihere

    Funny Ellie

    Yeah , I got into trouble alot. My punishments were odd though--I always had to do manual labor, I was never grounded.

    If they knew half the stuff I did, I would have went to a all girl boarding school.


  • Nosferatu

    The stupidest punishment I got when I was around 15 years old. I don't remember what the hell I did (probably something she thought was "disrespectful" like telling her she was a liar), but she tried to take away all my music. Now, when you look at the undertaking of this, it's an impossible task. I owned over 100 cassettes, 50 CDs, 50 8-tracks, 100 LPs, 20 reel to reel tapes, and a bunch of music videos. It was all hardly ever organized, so she missed about 25% of it. At night, I would lay in bed for an hour listening to music with the headphones on.

    To make the punishment less effective, I found where she stored the giant bin full of music while she was out. I picked what I really wanted to hear and left the rest.

  • kid-A

    For whining about having to go to the meeting:

    For refusing to go out in service:

    For refusing to get baptized:

    OK, maybe I'm exaggerating.....A LITTLE !!!! LOL

  • Dismembered

    I had to kneel in the goddam corner for a 1/2 hour. I'd spit on the wall and watch it run down.


  • stillajwexelder

    a hard clip around the ear

  • 5thGeneration

    My parents said that if you get a spanking at the KH then you get a spanking when you get home. And they did!

    I've learned now as a parent myself that you should not discipline a kid for something twice!

  • ColdRedRain

    My parents were violent people that beat me until I couldn't breathe. Ironicly, my mom is opposed to me doing martial arts.

  • candidlynuts

    if any of us kids were fighting, we had to sit on the sofa and hold hands till mom decided we werent mad anymore.. ( guess how many sore fingers there were from trying to sneak and pinch each other? lol.. she'd always catch us and make us sit longer.. we HATED that)

    more serious offenses got a lecture from dad where you had to freakin listen AND answer his questions intelligently...

    then we'd get extra chores.. we had the cleanest chicken coop in the world i think.

    extra gardening, extra yard work etc.. the boys, if they fought as teens, dad would make them walk around the house till they cooled down.

    worst punishment was for mouthing off to mom.. you treated her with respect ! usually on top of lecture, extra chores, you'd have to write out bible scriptures or do dishes for a month.

    i have wonderful parents, we'd get spankings till we were about 6 for stuff like running into the street, sneaking and playing with matches.. but not beatings.. a smack on the leg or behind. after about age 6... lectures and work..

    we had a big family and they did a wonderful job raising us and even today, are worth their weight in gold for helping and advising grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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