Shine a laser pen on the outline given by the speaker at an assembly.
Take notes in finger paint.
At sensitive moments, blow your nose raucously. Apologize for your sinus condition.
Wear a disposable paper face mask. Tell the brothers: “Hey, you don't want to catch what I've got!”
Slowly slump in your seat. When you are about to fall off the chair, suddenly straighten up. Apologize profusely.
Remove your shoes and socks. Lay your socks on a chair, turn each one inside out, and inspect them carefully. If anyone says anything, tell them "doctor's orders."
Bring a hand puppet, preferably an animal. Ask it to clarify difficult points. - My favorite!
Have a timer that buzzes at intervals. When it goes off, take a pill from a pill case and gulp it down. If anyone asks, tell them it's to “prevent the seizures.”
Wear shades and carry a walkie-talkie with an earphone. Once in a while, quietly say a few words into it.
Here is a great idea: ... you can use theocratic terms
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