Sit in the middle of the aisle and get up every 20 minutes to go to the restroom. If you have children, just switch off.
Bring candy with wrappers, popcorn, soda, water and make a mess. Suck on the water bottle noisily.
Take a stroll around the facility during the session looking for friends.
Read the newspaper while the session is on.
Don't stand up when they tell you.
Clomp down the bleacher staris if you have those at your facility.
During the break have your kids have a foot race in the halls.
Wear a sexy outfit, cleavage is good.
Guys could do that but it would be better to wear a leather suit.
Sing a different song from the one announced.
Don't clap for anything.
Sing louder than everyone else.
Sing a "worldly" song
Put a humourous name on your card (Eric Cartman, South Park congregation)