Its not just British dubs... one of my old halls mentioned Harry Potter almost every meeting, flat-out prohibiting it for any 'spiritual' person. Aparently, some kids in our hall had some bad dreams and all the parents got in an uproar and thought demunz were attacking their children. When things like this in the hall happen its just a case of mass hysteria. Everyone feeds off each other and decisions are made to reaffirm the group construct.
Why do the British dubs have such an animosity to Harry Potter?!
by CaptainSchmideo 35 Replies latest jw friends
Embarassment - JK Rowling is British - all the book/film are just solidly about spiritism and witchcraft- and all in your face - encouraging young children to read and go to films about witchcraft - SATANIC
There was a chick in my old Hall that would not let her kids read fairy tales or fables. And even better, when the kids were in school and the teacher would try to read them a story that was a fairy tale or fable, the kids had to leave to go to the library. Now, you may wonder where those kids are today .... one girl lives on the other side of the world from her mother and has nothing to do with her. The other one is bi-polar and is heavily medicated with serious problems. What is the saddest is the mother wonders "where she went wrong" because her girls are not serving Jah. It makes you want to scream!!!! What is actually pretty funny, is that in the JWs mind this woman was really strange. If that is not like the pot calling the kettle black.
Perhaps this scripture might have someting to do with Chritians not wanting to read Harry think?
"There shall not be found among you anyone who ...practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you."
Deut. 18:10-14 -
Big Tex
Perhaps this scripture might have someting to do with Chritians not wanting to read Harry think?
With all due respect, Harry Potter less to do with witchcraft and sorcery and more to do with re-telling the age old mythological hero story. A good modern example of this type of story is "Star Wars". The series is an intelligent fusion of 19th century English literature and Greek/Roman/Norse mythology.
As for whether Christians should object, I would have more respect for those 'Christians' were they also to reject Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein. If these same moralizing hypocritical people would bother to read the books before demonizing them, they would see an over-arching story that would dove tail rather nicely with their proclaimed Christian belief of love. Harry Potter must defeat evil not with witchcraft and spells but with love.
Big Ted
I don't think it is the country so much as the congregation. Some are uptight and anal, run by petty bureaucrats. Others are run by more genuine people. Unfortunately given the over-riding 'do not give a cause for stumbling' pathological thinking, all anyone congregation needs is one JW-Nazi-storm trooper and stuff becomes taboo by diktat. Smurfs, He-man, Ninja Turtles, Care-Bears, Telly-Tubbies, Harry Potter - although stuff they liked as a child is exempted.
Sorry Big Tex but I am the messenger and not the need to preach AT me.
Pentecostals and various other fundy nutjobs here in the U.S. practically break out in hives at the very mention of Harry Potter.
JWism - It's not just for JW's any more!
Do you mean only YOU get to preach at people? And is 'I'm only tthe messenger' a spiritual version of 'we were only following orders'?
And how come people who wear mixed threads, or who practise unfair labour pracitses, or who like kid sauted in goat milk will use a religious text written by a goat-herd tom condemn 'witchcraft' when there is a/ no proof such a things exists and b/ when they also violate similar prohibitions they have decided are 'okay' to violate?
Perhaps this scripture might have someting to do with Chritians not wanting to read Harry think?
Ah yes, I remember a faithful Dub quoting this scripture while villifying the Harry Potter seriers, yet she didn't stop to apply this to movies that I know she and her husband watch. I'm thinking specifically of the Star Wars films. You could certainly apply the above scripture to many of the characters in that story:
"..There shall not be found among you anyone who ...practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer.." The Emperor "...or one who interprets omens..." Yoda "...or one who calls up the dead..." Obi Wan Kenobi
How many Witnesses have seen Star Wars? In my area, the majority of them have, yet it still has all the same dark characters that Harry Potter does.