I know the research is out there. Who can educate me on this. How did we get this name? Where did it originate from? Is it correct?
The Name Jehovah
by Kristofer 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is information at http://jwfacts.com/index_files/Jehovah.htm though I still have quite a bit to add.
Basically YHWH was the name used for a period of time by the Jews. It was not known before Moses time (as God himself said to Moses) and by Jesus time it was virtually no longer used.
There has never been any early New Testament manuscripts found that contain Gods name, showing that it was not used by Jesus. The inclusion in the NWT New Testament is one of the gravest mistakes of the NWT and means the truth about God can not be understood properly using the NWT.
The word Jehovah is not how it was prounounced, it is likely more close to being Yahweh of Yahuveh. Jehovah did not come into being until less than one thousand years ago, probably combining the vowels from Adonai, Elohim and YHWH.
The divine name that will endure forever - Watchtower
God has a name - Watchtower
God's Name and the "New Testament" - Watchtower
The Leading Tetragammaton (Divine Name) Website - Tetragammaton.org
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Name Jehovah - Dan Corner
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse the divine name of my God! - Bible.ca
The Tetragrammaton is essential to your faith - TowerWatch Ministries
Tetragrammaton - SmartPedia.com
Is the Tetragrammation - God's Name - in the Greek New Testament as Jehovah's Witnesses Claim? - John Adey (Christadelphian)
Jehovah's Name is Jesus - Let Us Reason Ministries
The Tetragrammaton - Dictionary.LaborLawTalk.com
The Tetragrammaton and the Christian Scriptures - Eric Francke
Jehovah's Witnesses, Examined - Pastor D. M. DiMedio & Pastor Keith Piper
Jehovah of the Watchtower: The Theism of Jehovah's Witnesses James Stewart
Has God's Name Been Removed from the Bible? Robert Hommel
JW Info Line
Who removed Jehovah's name from the New Testament? Discusses the Watchtower's theory that Jehovah's name has been deliberately removed from the New Testament
Why is the name Jehovah missing from the New Testament? Discusses the real question - If Jehovah's name wasn't removed why is it not in the New Testament?
Some people in recent years have used the name "JEHOVAH" in place of "YHWH". According to the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, this name was first recorded in 1270 A.D. more than a thousand years after the death of Christ, by a Catholic Monk, Raymundus Martini. [See Aid to Bible Understanding, pages 884, 885].
Scholars recognize that this "patched-up" name of God invented a mere 700 years ago, with the vowels from "ADONAI" inserted between the consonants "YHWH" and then further altered with the letters, "J" and "V" is incorrect.
The following encyclopedias consider the name "JEHOVAH" to be FALSE Merits Student Encyclopedia; Encyclopedia Americana; The Jewish Encyclopedia; Encyclopedia International The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible; The New Catholic Encyclopedia; The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, and many more.
In addition to revealing His name as the "I AM" and "YHWH", God also tells us that His name is "JEALOUS" [Exodus 34:14], and " HOLY" [Isaiah 57:15].
The name Jehovah or Yahowah (Yahweh) derives from the original Hebrew name for God in the manuscripts, YHWH, and the name for Lord, Adonai (which was substituted in public readings for the name YHWH in fear of violating the third commandment (Exodus 20:7) by the ancient Jews). Eventually, scribes inserted the vowels of Adonai (a-o-a) within the consonants YHWH.
Star Moore
HI there,
My idea is this: Jehovah is not stupid or anal.. He doesn't care what name we use. Just like a parent wouldn't care what his child called him, as long as it was a sincere and loving attempt.. If we used the wrong name...or pronounciation or no name but 'God', he'd accept it.. and why?
Personally I'm with the JWs and Moslems on the issue that Jesus was not the almighty God. If you read the OT you'll very quickly pick up on the character of the Jewish god and come to a speedy conclusion that no way in hell would that god let himself be wiped at spat on by peasant jews and Roman soldiers.
I think the early christians went to town on this issue to give themselves more credance - basically we have the real God and not the Jews, believe in our God if you don't want to go to hell. I think the issue is that simple. Just like political parties fight for punters with lies and rhetoric. -
If you read the OT you'll very quickly pick up on the character of the Jewish god and come to a speedy conclusion that no way in hell would that god let himself be wiped at spat on by peasant jews and Roman soldiers.
Have you yourself read the whole OT? If you have, read it again.
"Have you yourself read the whole OT? If you have, read it again."
Explain please, I haven't the time to read the OT.
I've read enough to get a clear idea about the Jewish God that sees killing and suffering as a means to an end. I can't believe that Christ as intelligent as he was would associated himself with this mesopotamian god. -
There was no letter "j" in the hebrew language. There wasnt even a letter "j" in the English language up untill the 16th century. There were no vowels used in the Hebrew writings. In the Hebrew (Yod, Hay, Waw and Hay ) the 4 lettered tetragrammaton are pronounced ee-ah-oo-eh. These letters represent vowels-consonants.
Note also that the Hebrew Masorete scribes put vowel points in and around the Hebrew letters to preserve their proper pronunciation.
Also if you think about it, if it is so hard to correctly pronounce ancient hebrew bcause their are no vowels, then the entire Hebrew Old testament is unpronounceable. If that were the case then the Hebrews themselves wouldnt have been able to pronounce their language. Gods name is probably and most accurately pronounced as "YAHWEH"