J.W. Dundee Beer -- Amber Lager & Pale Ale ---- Yup. Anyone else drink it? They also have a good Honey Brown
JWD Beer
by confusedjw 24 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not really an Ale drinker. This bank holiday weekend will begin with a cider at 6.30 ish and end on Monday night with an Alka Seltzer!
cider at 6.30 ish and end on Monday night with an Alka Seltzer!
Alka Seltzer has paracetemol in which is really bad for your liver you know!!! cheers!
Well it was a metaphorical alka seltzer - i took 100 paracetemol once and so the damage to bodily organs was impressed on me at the time by unimpressed hospital staff.
Maybe nows the time for you to recommend yoru perfick hangover cure - i find a good swim and a hearty lunch works.
perfick hangover cure
Easy - you just keep on drinking.
- disclaimer : this advice should not be taken as medically safe
so what you up to Bank Hol weekend? I am seeing Dara OBrien Sunday night which should have me in fits of giggles!
The only thing I've planned is a few beers funnily enough, with a couple of mates in town. I expect I'll be back on here when I stumble in.
I drink BL Beer
I am celebrating my 8th anniversary with Mr C with a room at the Park Lane Hilton - just worried it will be a bit posh for me!
perfick hangover cure
Mac Donalds Breakfast! Sausage and Egg McMuffin, Hash Brown and orange juice, then a nap... and I'm right as rain to drink again by tea time!