Guiness or Murphys.
JWD Beer
by confusedjw 24 Replies latest jw friends
That's kind of cool.
I used to be partial to Shiner Bock, brewed in Shiner, Texas. But I got tired of my gums being raw the day after.
So now I stick mainly to light lagers with lime, or red beers. (Still insist on my root beer floats being dropped in Guiness though.)
No, it was neither Murpy's Stout nor Guiness, though I do love a good Guiness on tap best. Nice beverage.
No, this beer is one of two very very deepest darkest beers there are. And I might add they are not popular. But every now and then some boy in a Bev Mo knows what I am talking about. I always get an instant mini crush on a boy who has heard of my beer and likes it! -
Perfect hangover cure. Something here in the US called Chaser. You take it when you start drinking, next day you are good to go, no worries.
There is a Canadian beer from Molson called Brador (sp?). We cannot get it here in the States. I have even e-mailed and written Molson to beg them to ship it to the States but they won't. Those Canadians, they are so stingy with their good beer. Anyways, I use to have a connection that would bring it back with him when he would return from his many fishing trips to Canada. Alas, he is still a solid JW and I no longer am in contact with him. So no Brador.