I must admit, I felt it was like that moment in the Trueman Show when it went off air for the first time.
What did YOU do during the downtime?
by LittleToe 75 Replies latest jw friends
We had a lovely time in the Saturday bank holiday sunshine, blisfully unaware that the site was down (I really should turn the monitoring/notification back on!)
went to see a fellow student do a charity bungee jump...but it got cancelled
then went to kh for the wedding of a family friend...twas pleasant enough seeing a lot of the old gang again...but they were mostly just being polite and were slightly bemused by my appearance...(i told them i was a nazerite...no sex no alcohol no haircut....well 2 out of 3 aint bad...i never did much like alcohol)....and of those that inquired as to my meeting attendance - upon hearing that i no longer attend - they cannot seem to comprehend the idea that i dont believe it any more..i suppose the thought of someone like me not believing throws their own belief into turmoil so they just refuse to acknowledge it
the girl who was getting married had her younger sister as her bridesmaid...last time i saw her about 2 years ago we were play wrestling on the carpet in her living room..........now.....
JWD was down? I didn't notice! I don't know if its a sign that I'm moving on and progressing, or just that I've had to spend too much time lately dealing with the crap live seems to throw at you to have time to check in.
El Kabong
I went shopping with the wife, (or should I say, the wife went shopping with me).
Actually, I reaquainted myself with Flight Simulator and Train Simulator. I haven't used these programs in quite a while, so it was fun to explore these programs again. -
I googled some key words and read this site:
Apparently I have a lot of anger to get through. Is there a new troll thread? I need to vent at somebody.
Went shopping, read a book, cleaned the kitchen, did some weeding, worked on customizing MySpace (which I can only take in small increments because it exasperates me so), and talked to a good friend on the phone for an hour or so. I would have gone to a movie, but nothing that I find terribly interesting is playing.
I must admit that I did check JWD several time throughout the day. LOL
I must admit that I did check JWD several time throughout the day. LOL
Luna, you're an addict, just admit it.
i didn't tell you this. I panicked and started missing the site within minutes
glad the site came back though!
I was at work yesterday, so actually had to work.
Last evening, the daughter and I went for a jeep ride in the rain (no doors!), then watched a couple movies.