Shit I thought it was my computer that was the problem and I almost threw it out to the garbage. Damn that was close !
What did YOU do during the downtime?
by LittleToe 75 Replies latest jw friends
Eventually when JWD was not back up in an hour or so, I went over to Tomschat. I just sat back and read everyone elses stuff but not sign up/in. I am wondering what Tomschat's numbers were over the 24 hour period that JWD was down. I bet it would be interesting to see.
The weather was great yesterday so I cut the grass, and the puppy next door decided to make friends, and helped me with the yard work. :) I also worked out at the downtown Y, followed by a few hours walking around a couple of large antique malls, and back home again to visit with neighbors across the street. I've been hooked on those darn SUDOKU crossword puzzles of late, which puts me to sleep if I'm not reading a book.
It's great being normal again, doing normal things, and feeling good about life. It's a shame when we allow others to take that away. -
Happy Birthday looking_glass! Now we know why the site was down yesterday; Simon was getting ready for your Birthday!!! All the best to you.
We went to the movies to see "Flight 93" Not as good as the TV version.
Hubby and I spent the better part of the day dealing with the MASSIVE amount of rain we got. The drainage for our neighborhood goes right through our backyard, which is normally not an issue at all. At most we've only seen a small amount of water. However, yesterday, it was a small river. Add to that the fact that the majority of the people in our neighborhood had not raked up their leaves and pine needles from last fall or just raked them into the ditch, so that floated "downstream" until it got to our fence.
Our fence is just a wire fence, but when all that yard debris hit it, it became a dam with very little water getting through. The pressure built up until it was too great for the fence and it knocked it down. When that happened, and the water went through the back yard and the same thing happened to the fence over there as well. We just pulled the fence back so the water could flow freely and decided to wait until it stopped raining to try to fix it. The rain didn't stop until 7 or 8 last night. So, today, I get to spend a few hours in my yard, but at least the sun is out.
I wasn't able to post my review...but then I figured no one could get on to read it either.
We went to see Flight 93....there was audible crying from the audience at the end...and not just me.
It rained this weekend, so not as much yard work. Did inside spring cleaning. My goodness where does the dust come from...must have been at least 3 people we cleaned out.
We had a lovely time in the Saturday bank holiday sunshine, blisfully unaware that the site was down
As it should be.
"As for me and my household" my morning started out per usual, doing laundry and mopping floors whilst checking in....uh oh, site down.
No bother, had to get the little one to Little League practice. New team. The other parents weren't that pleased when we showed up. It's a team of 3 and 4 year olds, but Julius was a head taller than anyone else (he won't be five till Winter!!!) he looked like a ringer, LOL. Coach had them warm up by running bases, Julius finished one base ahead of the crowd. FUNNY!!!!!
OK so then we went to Woodward Park because the Shinzen Garden (Japanese Garden) had a 30-year birthday party and a small delegation from our sister city in Japan was there. Invitation only thingy all the way through lunch, which I decided I couldn't wait for not having eaten earlier in the day. So around 11:30 we head out for a Chinese buffet.
Stop by Borders, bought a book called "Behind the Veil-a look at American Muslim women" which I read half of (fast reader) before falling asleep.
Dinner, movie with daughter. Open Water. so depressing I nearly cried, I thought they got saved in the end.
Took said daughter back to Borders because the drawing books she bought weren't helpful, she's already way past them. Came home finished laundry.
Now the good part.
Tried to log on around 10, site still down. ODD. Cruised over to "JWO" which address someone had emailed me. Read for about an hour. Can't believe the infighting. Reminds me of the hyenas on Lion King, turning on their own. Had been thinking of registering, but at this point did not and will not. I couldn't believe the personality of some of the posters whom I have "known" for years.
Relieved to see the default page load.
I worked for 6 hours weed-eating/mowing my ass off. I don't remember a spring like this mow your yard and 3 days later it's grown again. I also burned a buncha dead manzanita on my property since it's a burn month here. back hurts ....and even the lower end of my nutsack