About the earth, the Bible states it will exist FOREVER
With big lies like that, you still believe in literally-reading Bible?
by DocHouse 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
About the earth, the Bible states it will exist FOREVER
With big lies like that, you still believe in literally-reading Bible?
So Dochouse you seem to be quite comfortable being both a apostate and apologist toward the JW teachings and doctrines. Calling bullshit on both Christendom and the JWS teachings.
Yet you espouse that the JWs are preaching a purer form of the gospel.
So which are you ? , an apostate to Christendom or a corrupt secretive apostate to the JWS ?
Just to clear up the confusion you've presented on this thread.
Ucantnome, since I was not BORN into a JW, I have always looked at everything with a critical (scientific) view: cut thru opinion and BS and find the FACT!
The REAL "Good News" is the SAME Good News Jesus preached; that at God's Appointed Time, he would rule as King in the Kingdom of GOD- which will crush all human governments, and set all matters straight!
Finklestein- I am not an apostate to God, nor even to the WTBS.
They are my BROTHERS making some serious mistakes. I do not consider them evil or wicked- just deluded in some areas. Even Christ had to put up with his fat-headed apostles!
I do not consider them evil or wicked- just deluded in some areas. Even Christ had to put up with his fat-headed apostles!
He he! DocHouse take himself for the christ! :)
Ecc 1: 4- One generation goeth, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth for ever.- ASV
To DocHouse: Aren't you going to answer my question Re: why you defend the WT when they have marginalized you and your type as rebellious ne're do wells??
@DocHouse: I am not an apostate to God, nor even to the WTBS.
Sorry, Doc, but according to WT you ARE an apostate for nothing more than you disagree with the GB's theology on several subjects AND you are publicly critical of the WT:
Let us therefore have nothing to do with apostates or anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God. This should be the case even if he is a family member. (1 Cor. 5:11) We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet. --W 5-15-12
"They do not receive into their homes or greet false teachers. (Rom. 16:17; 2 John 9-11) Christians avoid the literature of apostates, TV programs featuring them, and Web sites containing their teachings." --W 8-15-11
Your defying the GB's explicit orders on this subject make you an apostate in WT's eyes, whether you agree with it or not. According to the above quote, you aren't even a Christian. In fact, a person is considered to be an apostate for merely thinking about something that is contrary to WT doctrine, regardless of whether you talk about your views or not:
"Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing". -- Letter to CO's and DO's, 9-1-1980
Are you going to answer how you justify supporting the very organization that considers you to be an apostate???
DocHouse - do you still go out door-to-door?
Imagine the following scenario: you knock on someone's door and the householder expresses an interest. You and another JW conduct a bible study with him. He attends meetings. At one of these he hears about the overlapping generation teaching and asks about it in the following week's study.
What would you say to him? Would you parrot the party line or give your own opinion?
Shirley: Aren't you going to answer my question Re: why you defend the WT when they have marginalized you and your type as rebellious ne're do wells??
>>I'm not DEFENDING them, but telling you how I view them.
LoveUni: At one of these he hears about the overlapping generation teaching and asks about it in the following week's study. What would you say to him? Would you parrot the party line or give your own opinion?
>> I would tell him/her it is their OPINION- a MISTAKEN one, since Jesus referred to a SINGLE generation.