Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?

by DocHouse 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LV101

    Seriously, Dochouse -- "Churchianity" follows Christ's words of the true religion/faith - to look after widows and orphans in their tribulation/livelihood.  

    Watchtower fleeces estates (anything they can get their hands on) away from their brainwashed followers' families (children).  I believe one is to leave an inheritance to their own family and not a cult - I guess God's mouthpiece/evil watchtower is, of course, always an exception.  

    You are delusional about "Churchianity" and a follower.

  • Finkelstein

    Rereading DocHouse's OP, I'm beginning to believe he is a poorly educated idiot, who thinks the Almighty Watchtower Corporation is especially pure and true as well distinct.  

    He mentions Christmas with bold arrogance, that see we don't celebrate Christmas therefore we are true Christians.

    He's totally is unaware of the long list of misinterpreted bible Scriptures, which some have actually killed people and are still killing people today.

    The fact is that not all Christian based faiths celebrate Christmas, there are some that don't just like the JWS.

    I pointed out one of the most notorious and malicious teachings of the JWS , involving setting dates on god's sacred time and he had no retort or answer to offer.  Yet he proclaims that they know god and Jesus better than other recognized Christian based faith.  Kind of shows where his personal integrity is at,  somewhere in the toilet I would assume. 


  • DocHouse

    LoveUni- we preach there to- just not in the open- or Islam would kill us all- as the Jewish Clergy finally did Christ, who was always hiding from them until the appointed time.

    Galaxe- why an exercise in futility. That's like Jesus writing such to the High Priest....or Moses to pharaoh.

    LV101- YES, there are 'good' people in Churchianity, who are not 'good' about their worship: Jesus said we MUST worship with spirit (zeal) and...TRUTH- the word so many here Hate! And you simply babble about the donations- many CHOOSE to give those things when they die.

  • DocHouse
    Finkle- if one gulliblibly accepts an opinion as a fact- the fault is THEIR'S.
  • LV101
    If one worships with "spirit (zeal) and.... TRUTH-" they will run far and fast away from the evil cult.  
  • LoveUniHateExams

    we preach there to- just not in the open- or Islam would kill us all - you're not fooling anybody, DocHouse.

    I read here at JWN that preaching in muslim countries is only done to ex-pats and Christian minorities. Could somebody confirm this?

    Finkle- if one gulliblibly accepts an opinion as a fact- the fault is THEIR'S - agree 100% with you on this. But what about if opinion is forced onto people as fact? 

  • coalize
    I read here at JWN that preaching in muslim countries is only done to ex-pats and Christian minorities. Could somebody confirm this?

    It's possible : Muslims are more dumb in their "Truth" thing than the more dumb of the more dumb of the JW...

  • Finkelstein

    DocHouse says ...  Jesus said we MUST worship with spirit (zeal) and...TRUTH

    The problem with the JWS is that have been spreading about the manifestations of men and their false teachings

    with zeal and spirit . The WTS. has done nothing but exploit people's ignorance and insecurities in an act of exploitation and manipulation.

    Just like you DocHouse    


    Dochouse, I'm still waiting. It's funny that you start off being a complete asshole to everyone and then thank everyone for a peaceful discussion. 

    Jesus is doing a facepalm in heaven right now. Oh!! He's gone! Someone is masturbating! Don't worry, he'll be back to read your insane ramblings.

    Please get some professional help.


  • erbie

    The simple fact is DocHouse, it is your job to convince people that the Watchtower cult is truth, if indeed you really believe that. We are not obligated to prove you wrong! Incidentally, I am not convinced that anyone really does believe the nonsense but that is for another debate.

    In short, you reason from the scriptures in the way the WT has trained you to. You deliberately mistranslate the scriptures and obfuscate simple truths like the nature of God and Christ, the ressurection, salvation and a multitude of other things.

    I appreciate that many here are atheists and that is fine by me. I have been through the WT cult and come out the other side still believing in a creator and I also consider myself a Christian. I also appreciate that the WT spends most of its time discrediting and undermining Christianity. Have you never wondered why that is so? Why are they quite happy to allow Islam to carry on misleading millions without so much as a word of criticism? 

    Insecurity! That is the source of their hatred of the truth because they know that their own religion does not stand up to scrutiny so must deflect attention away from themselves by pointing the finger in another direction.

    The simple truth is, whether you believe the Bible or not, it is quite clear in that there is but one true God. Only one! And the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is 'a' god which of course causes a huge conflict. Of course, the scriptures do speak of false gods but that is not what we are talking about here.

    So many times I have heard people like you misrepresent the Trinity with simple minded reasoning. The word trinity does not appear in the Bible as you would be quick to point out but I assure you that it is an essential ingredient in understanding how both God Almighty and Jesus can be God and yet there is only one true God according to scripture. 

    The Watchtower religion deliberately misrepresents the Bible and the Christian message and as such, has produced no small amount of athieists by constantly discrediting the Christian faith. 

    Be careful that you do not share in their work because God will hold you to account for misrepresenting his word.

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