Finally, an intelligent response! I applaud you, Hellraiser.
>The underlying idea in that article is and age-old idea: That this is the "best of all possible worlds". I believe Leibniz was the first to sum up this idea. One aspect of this belief is that even though bad things happen to innocent people in the world, as a result of mans free will (the will do do evil things towards others), then this has to be, because free will is in itself a greater good (for all mankind) than the painful things that some people have to experience because of free will (other peoples bad behaviour, war etc, which is what these other people chose). A problem for this idea, is, of course, natural disasters! Why did God create the planet in such a way that earthquakes, storms, tornados, etc, happens? Couldn`t God have created it otherwise? Both of these issues (both pain inflicted on innocent people who did no wrong, as well as natural disasters) begs the question:
Creation has fallen along with man and entropy has set in. Weather is primarily a neutral force of the natural world. Our world is alive and life might not exist in a static environment, just like it cannot exist on the worlds like Jupiter and Saturn that are the opposite extreme. Have you ever seen scientific studies of just how precise our world is in it's physical make up and within the solar system?
>Is God really omnipotent? Was this the best he could do? Was it not possible for God to create the world in such a way that natural disasters didn`t happen, and was it not possible for God to create man with free will without this free will having consequenses for innocent people (when some people choose evil, and inflict pain on others)? If this was not possible for God, then God too is subjected to "natural laws", just as man, and he is NOT omnipotent (but could be good/benevolent). If God could have created the world otherwise, but didn`t then God is omnipotent but not good/benevolent.
Nope, you cannot reason it out that easily, you assume top much knowledge and credit for human, finite reasoning.
>You can`t have it both ways...
God can and does!