I made myself do it, Shining One. I read the entire thing so that I couldn't be fairly accused of not having done so. Painful though it was, I arrived at the crushing let down in the end...
The questions we have to ask ourselves are: Do we have reason to think that God is good, and do we have reason to think that evil is not a thing? If we have good reasons to think those two things, then our new set of syllogisms work.
We can then strongly trust that when God does allow a privation of good (evil) to influence our lives, He does it not for evil designs, but ultimately for good purposes.
One expects the end to justify the exhaustive (exhausting?) treatment. But, the conclusion that good and evil are concepts rather than things is a relatively simple conclusion that dawns on many people by the time they are three or four. If someone hasn't arrived at that conclusion by the time they are age 10 there is probably something wrong with the child's higher order brain functions, some sort of retardation is present.
The assertion that evil only exists as an absence of good doesn't alter the nature of "evil" one whit. I could inverse the author's words regarding shadow and light and you can't disprove it: Light is only the absence of shadow. Does it change the nature of either light or shadow to state that? No.
This guy is attempting to use the Bible to rationalize the purpose of permitting evil, wickedness and tragic misfortune...but he felt the need to prove God is good...if the person addressed views the Bible as an authority at all, they would take that as a given premise—wouldn't they? If they don't view the Bible as an authority, the other half of his argument falls flat with a resounding thud.
One sentence summation of his entire argument:
God is good because I believe the Bible and God didn't make anything evil—I know because the Bible said so—and since God didn't make anything evil and everything God made was good, God didn't make evil so evil is the non-existence of the good things God did make, so evil doesn't really exist (except where there is no good).
At least it isn't circular logic, there are several cloverleafs in that snarl of illogical traffic. But, hey, if it works for you then more power to you.