I believe the earth is round , one of our study books said the Bible taught that, and I'm okay with it for now .
Is There Any JW Belief That You Still Believe In?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
*Jehovah is the only one that's God Almighty.
*Jesus is his spiritual son.
*Literal paradise earth (like how it was in Genesis chapter 1 and 2)
*Use of the name Jehovah as opposed to Yahweh.
*Believe it's the end of the world... But don't want to put a date on it.
*The canon the JW's use like many Protestants, the canon that the Jews use for the Old Testament, based on the Palestinian canon.
*Believe that the New World Translation is an accurate translation.
*Believe that Jesus died on a stake, but disagree with translating it as "torture" in front of stake.
*No hellfire just "eternal nothingness" for unbelievers. Like when you are in a deep sleep at night without a dream.
*Sympathize with JW's for not taking blood with all the advances in medicine it's ridiculous how people force you to use it... but I don't agree it should be mandatory on the individual because I think people should take it if there is no other way (the blood transfustion that is.)
*Religion is a snare and a racket!
Spectrum. You are my hero. God bless you.
(I watched Passion of the Christ recently and Jesus really depended on his father's help and loved him and looked up to him as someone who CREATED him. :) ) -
There are many that I believe, but referring to them as "JW beliefs" while maybe accurate, probably ignores that they may be shared by others or even stem from the Adventist strain of Christianity.
As to specific beliefs there are many but just to give two, I would say that I don't believe in the Trinity and even more clearly, the concept of Hell, NOT BEING a destination for the wicked or place of torture, etc. I believe is quite correct. If anyone in conversation is indicating a belief in Hell, I really consider them quite delusioned and probably look at them the same way other people look at JWs when they start talking about only a 144,000 going to Heaven.
Distinctly JW beliefs....I believe in smoke free lungs.
It's "nice" to think of a Paradise on [Earth], not growing old, and never dying. But, I like the John Lennon "Imagine" version better - imagine no religion. As long as there is A religion, there is something to fight over.
Heaven, Hell, Trinity, etc.....I'll let you know when I die.
I still don't believe in the Trinity.
I still don't believe in immortality of the soul.
I still don't believe in hell fire. -
Satans little helper
I don't believe in hellfire, I do believe in life after death, I don't believe that god is as petulent as the bible makes him out to be, I don't believe in Armagheddon, I give blood and would accept a transfusion, I don't believe in shunning - it's absolutely at odds with everything that the bible was trying to teach.
I certainly don't believe that the WTBTS is in any way inspired!
If it is a specific teaching of JWs, I don't believe it. There are many things that JW espouse to that many other good people do, and of course that is just common sense.
JWs do have a doctrine of Hell. They just package it up with pandas
Witty UK humor! :D -
I don't believe in the trinity. And I believe that Prohibition was the work of Satan de Debbil. Judge Rutherford and friends getting sloshed before Saturday morning Service group.