Something fun to do in your spare time: Geo Caching

by Elsewhere 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I tried it for the first time this weekend and had a blast!

    To do this you need a hand-held GPS device and a compass. Go to the web site below and enter your Zip Code and it will give you a list of nearby Caches with their corresponding GPS coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). Your objective is to find the cache and make a note of it. Most of the caches are small containers with a log book and several other little nick-knacks that other people have left inside. You can sign the log and take an item and leave an item.

    Some of the caches are hidden in wooded areas and take some effort to get to, others are located in public parks and are hidden in very cleaver ways so that all the people walking in the parks won’t notice them - you really have to look around before you find them. You can bring the kids along for the ones in the public parks… they will have a great time. To my surprise there are almost no public parks that do not have one of these GEO Caches hidden in them… we all walk right past them all the time without ever knowing they were there!

    A nice side effect of this is you get to become very familiar with all of the public land in the area where you live. It's also great exercise!

  • rebel8

    Veeery interesting idea! I just might have a new hobby....

    leave an item

    heh heh....Paging Carla! Now we have a new place to leave Silent Lambs stuff!

  • ButtLight

    Thats sounds like fun, I know my kids would love it!

  • MegaDude

    Hey Dave,

    One of the best parks in the whole metroplex is River Legacy Park in Arlington right off of I-30.

    Miles of paved trail through overhanging trees. Really nice. So if you have a cache there, I'd say go for it.

  • Simon

    We've taken our kids GeoCaching and they loved it - it is a great way to get some walking / hiking exercise as well (with a point to it rather than just 'walking').

    It was like a real treasure hunt for ours and they took a couple of the little toys someone else had left and we left some of theirs for someone else.

    It is great fun and we'd recommend it to anyone.

  • bikerchic

    I've heard for years that this is a really fun hobby. Hubby and I are considering doing it we live in such a great area with all the forest and open space to explore we think it would be fun yet very addictive!

    Thanks for that link I'll sure check it out and see what we have locally.

  • ButtLight

    Is it possible for a blonde like me to be able to do this lol. I signed up on the site, and couldnt believe how many they had in my itsy bitsy town! Definately going to have to give it a try!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Totally cool. Thanks for the great link elsewhere. My wife will love this.

  • MegaDude

    I remember an former poster here, LB, who was doing geo caching on the Las Vegas Strip of all places.

  • Elsewhere

    I have printed up a nice Geo Cache that is very close to Chris and Nina's house should anyone want to spend an hour to two out looking over the weekend of the Aposta-Crawfest.


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