Something fun to do in your spare time: Geo Caching

by Elsewhere 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Sounds like fun!


  • serendipity

    watch out for snakes, elsewhere!

  • sass_my_frass

    I've heard about that, it sounds like fun!

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    we used to go letterboxing on Dartmoor years ago, same sort of principle except that the box would have a rubber stamp in it and you would collect as many stamps as you could.

    Does anyone still do that?

  • Sad emo
  • Rabbit

    I took a Compass course once where we had to find small tags or items in a hilly forested area. Having to learn 'pacing' for your steps was hard, but, fun. Then, they let us use our GPS...lots better !

    Mega, I didn't know how nice River Legacy Park was -- we'll try it out.


  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I am looking to buy a pocket-sized GPS. I would love to try this. I love the outdoors and it would be like a treasure hunt. Thanks for the link!!

  • damselfly

    This sounds like a blast! I just went to the site and found out that I drive by several caches near my house every day. Who knew? There's also one located across the street from my childhood home. Too cool.

    Okay I'm putting on my blond wig for this question

    To do this you need a hand-held GPS device and a compass. Go to the web site below and enter your Zip Code and it will give you a list of nearby Caches with their corresponding GPS coordinates (Latitude and Longitude).

    Do I need a GPS? or will just a compass do? Does anyone know? GPS are pricey for my (non-existent) budget right now.

    **Puts smarty pants glasses back on**


  • Elsewhere
    Do I need a GPS? or will just a compass do? Does anyone know? GPS are pricey for my (non-existent) budget right now.

    To do this without a GPS device you will need to have a map that is accurate to within a few feet with Latitude and Longitude lines.

    Another possibility would be to print up a Google Map in the Hybrid view zoomed in all the way.

    With a GPS device you can just walk around while looking at the Latitude and Longitude values until you are in the right location.

  • damselfly

    Great! Thanks, hope you all have success with your search on the weekend.


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