Now Im PISSED off

by Es 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    For those who read my topic the other day bout the old jw friend who texted me

    well i received the package today with a little note congragulating me on my wedding and pregnancy.

    Anyway down the bottom is a ps...spoke to your mum the other day she misses blake alot.........

    Now i have never stopped them from seeing blake nor speaking to him, and now they are telling people in the congregation things like that..... im so angry that they are playing the vicitm card here


  • MidwichCuckoo

    She (your Mum) can still miss Blake (and you) even though it's her own choice to do so. Maybe text your friend and say as much? Your friend MUST know that anyway.

  • luna2

    Good idea, Midwich!

    I'd be sure to let your friend know that you aren't the one stopping them from seeing either you or your son, Es. I wonder what your folks will do when the new baby is born?

  • Es

    sure she can miss blake if i told them they could no longer see him, but thats not the case.

    I did msg her back and say to set the record straight i have never told them not to see or speak to blake.


  • Es

    shes not really a close friend anyway she stopped associating with me when she found out my lifestyle, so i wouldnt put it past her or any of them to put the blame at my feet


  • MidwichCuckoo
    sure she can miss blake if i told them they could no longer see him, but thats not the case.

    No - although it is HER decision not to see Blake, she can STILL miss him.

    When she hung up on you (other thread), you (we) really have no idea what she was thinking. As luna mentioned, she MUST be thinking of the new baby, and of you also at this time. She has created a situation that she is losing control over.

  • unclebruce

    Dear sweet es,

    your mum is a looney and mad as a cut snake (something I'm sure you 're well aware of).Susan and I had the same crap said about us when we moved from Adelaide to Sydney. I used to write and we'd send our girls over there sometimes but we always had to initiate the contact. That gets wearing. Later I found that even the limited contact my girls had with our warped JW families affected them badly. Be careful when allowing the nutters access to these most precious people of yours es. They're truly mad bad and dangerous to know. X

    In JW world knowledge is calateral - rumour is rife. There is little you can do about the crap being said behind your back but get on and have a happy life - f*ck 'em - they're not worth the trouble. I wish you the very best in having a wonderful time raising happy well adjusted children - the sweetest revenge of all.

  • Es

    ok i understand that she can still miss him but i dont agree with it, he is 4 years old and if they are going to punish me that should NOT include my son. If she had some guts she could ring up and speak to Blake even arrange to have him one day and then she wouldnt have to miss him

    But then UncleBruce is right i dont know if i would allow extended stays with my folks i know they will say things to blake and i dont want to subject him to that


  • fullofdoubtnow


    I have seen similar situations to this more times than I care to remember. Your mum seems to acting like most jw parents do when their kids grow up and leave the org. Many of them feel let down by their childrens actions, and because they then have little or no influence over the choices their kids make they resort to emotional blackmail, something that most dubs are experts at. I've known parents who have told their dfd or da'd sons and daughters that their actions are tantamount to sentencing their own kids to death unless they alter the course they're on, and feel no apparent remorse at saying such a thing.

    I would imagine that your mum is a caring person, but first and foremost she is a brainwashed jw, and will thus be inclined to look at things in the same warped way that most other jws do. I don't blame you for being pissed off at what is being said, but it's typical dub behaviour to blame everyone but themselves when things don't go the way they think they should. It's an attitude that permeates the whole religion, stemming from the gb - when do they ever apologise for anything they get wrong? I used to be just the same when I was in. I'm not in any way defending it, in your situation I'd be angry as well, but I doubt your mum can help herself really.

    I agree with what another poster said - the best thing you can do is bring up happy, well - adjusted kids who are a credit to you and your husband. That would be the finest answer you could possibly give to your mum and her jw cronies. When they see that happening, it might just make them think a little.



  • greendawn

    Could this person have written these things about your mother being upset, out of her own mind to motivate you to return to the JWs? It makes no sense since your mother has free access to the children.

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