MEMO TO TED JARACZ: My rewarding apostate field activity this weekend

by sf 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    skally; your allways on the ball. i know very few that have the nerve you have.. . just name the wt topic (lie) . and you can make any jw's head spin. and vomit green stuff how i wish we .lived in the same town to go out witnessing together. i know all the spots john

  • Genesis

    "Action is Eloquence !"

    Man,you rock !

  • schne_belly

    Thank you SF.

    Great ideas that we could all use.

    Can I 'check out' the Wisconsin territory card?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Great stuff sf, well done!

  • sf

    Well, I must admit, the encouragement is another great feeling. Thank you all.

    Ha!! Minimus. Ted would be wise to steer clear of me, as I was one of those kids back in his door to door witnessing days when he would go to Balboa Island in the late '70's and meet up with the brothers while the sisters went to the beach. I'm still trying to find out who owned THAT house.

    {{{ johnny, my love }}} We would be a team-force to be reckoned with. I thought about you this weekend and how fun it would be if you were with me. I also thought that Ted should count his unlucky stars that I don't live anywhere near Headquarters. You can bet I'd be out by those gates every single day, in a pioneering way. Give my love to your brother and mamma. XOXOXOX

    Rebel, please DO.

    JAVA, if you only knew just how much time I've spent. Each minute is worth it if it potentially speaks out for one child. I do consider myself a highly active apostate pioneer. THE NATIONS SHALL KNOW!


    I feel too that everyDAY is child abuse awareness. Speaking up and out for these kids, the ones whom seem to be forgotten, need our activism. Carry on.

    NOTE: The more active you get in exposing the criminal corruption of this fraudulent organization, masking as a loving, true religion, the more empowered you will feel and BE.


    Oh and caspian, I know you are reading this: KISS TEDS ASS FOR ME, WILL YA?!


  • Balsam

    Wow now that is some productive work you did. Getting the word out is all we can do. Hope people will listen to us. I do must of my work through AJWRB.ORG but it seems effective too. Your to be commended, along with everyone else who really works to inform the public and witnesses.


  • Rad_Rachel

    Hi Ted. I am a JW still. And it is very difficult. I've always found it difficult that a lot of JW's are emotionally incapable of admitting the truth. There are elders who like ostriches stick their heads in the sand. It doesn't mean Jeh approves of them. It doesn't mean the other members approve of them. It just means we're putting up with them. When I've seen or read instances of JW child abuse, I believe the victim 100%. And always will. Most victims are bitter angry and messed up and it shows in their life, especially from the teens til 25-30 ish. Being messed up and bitter are normal for abuse victims. I was sexually abused by a brother in one congregation. Now as an adult when I look back I can see that he abused his daughters. My parents were emotionally and physically abusive. And I know lots of kids who are JW's or who left who's parents were abusive. For all of us to want justice and to want them exposed. This is one thing. There are some normal JW's. I do believe that 50% are crazies and hypocrites. Is there anyway to expose the Child Molesters? the Abusers? Attacking the whole religion will probly not get you anywhere. How do we expose an elder used by Satan? These elders and brothers in charge that are turning their backs I think of as disciples of Satan. Remember in the bible, when Jesus was around, 99% of the "Elders" (Scribes and Pharisees and religious leaders) were not what Jesus considered as true servants of Jeh. Jesus felt pity because the regular Jews were like sheep skinned and thrown about. Just like the elders today. Events in the bible parallel today. There are lots of Elders and JW's and pioneers that Jeh will destroy. Don't worry.

  • sf


    Thank you for taking the time to tell a bit of your story. I'm sure TED will read this and/ or be made aware.

    Welcome to the forum.


  • JAVA

    Welcome to the forum, Rad_Rachel. It's always nice having new ones join in on a topic, and I appreciate your thoughts. You're right, many if not most JWs and elders would not try to hide child abuse. I think many of us have learned how the Society has encouraged Witnesses and elders to keep things under wraps so it doesn't reflect badly on the religion. A lot of us have a problem with that.


  • Rad_Rachel

    Hi This is in response to Java. And so as not to make light of Ted's views. I actually believe that most JW's wouldn't do anything. I believe that a large percentage aren't serving Jeh. A smaller percentage don't really know whether they are here or there. and a minimal percentage that really are serving Jeh. It's such a messed up world. I don't understand why the society isn't willing to accept that it isn't sullying Jeh's name by admitting there are Child Molesters in this religion. Every single religion has murders, abusers, thieves, drunkards and what a surprise Child Molesters. Jeh's Witnesses would have more members staying if they acknowleged that members were abused. So many people leave the truth cause no one believes them. or because Demonic elders are running the show. Jeh Witness's are doing more harm to Jeh's name by not admitting the truth. Its very sad. The ones who are supposed to protect Jeh's name are ruining it. So sad.

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