Thx rebel. Got your pm. Use you best judgement. That's fine by me.
Okay, now, about yesterdays wonderful field activity. LISTEN UP TEDDY.
Parked smack dab in front of the KH. Seems they were finishing up some sort of meeting, as it was one pm and am pretty sure the congregating for door to work was over much earlier. So not sure why there were so many cars there.
I got out and decided to canvass the hood first then go back to the hall when I had finished. Which worked out well, because they were gone two hours later when I made it around the entire area surrounding the hall. I had just one left over for the kh and left it by the back door under a few rocks, it was sticking out strategically. You know, the back door that has no knob.
Anyways, I start knocking on doors and pitching my message. Most were nice as this area of town is more ritzy as opposed to the west side I canvassed last weekend. More hilly too, damn it. Sure brought back the days of "field service" where we thought our backs would break walking those hills...all for that GOLDEN CARROT.
Get to a set of homes that all shared one large driveway. It was the middle house. A lady answers. Is reading the flier, as I'm elaborating on how other churches in the neighborhood, besides the CC, have many child abuse problems. She blurts out, with a dead stare to me directly, as if I'm supposed to somehow fear the words, "I'M a Jehovah's Witness". And hands me back the flier. I replied "oh, okay well then thank you, have a good day". Hey, it was my first encounter with a jw at the door. Now I know how they feel coming upon a dfed and/ or apostate at the door. LOLOLOL!!! You kind of freeze and aren't sure how to proceed. So you make a b-line. LOLOLOL.
Hindsight told me it would have been the perfect opportunity to engage her more. Unlike a jw encountering me at the door...they run, no questions asked!
No matter though, when the DATELINE anniversary nears, I plan to work the terroritory again. And specifically 'target' her home. Call it a return visit if you will. This time I will take her address down and see how she likes being 'documented', like they do to others.
I was able to catch many home and they ALL took the flier. Others were left on the door or porch. I only printed up fifty. So I stopped when I ran out. I made sure I went to homes where I saw toys, bikes, etc.
Got home and rewarded myself with my famous chicken wontons dipped in my famous peanut sauce. Went to bed early { I was sore } and awoke early to call a dear friend and share the GOOD NEWS OF MY KINGDOM...HALL CANVESSING. lololol
So you see people, you CAN be effective and make a difference in YOUR communities. You just need a printer, paper, full ink cartridge, imagination, determination and devotion to help kids whom have no voice.
Try it, just once and I'll bet you want to do it again!
Happy trails!!