The Big Goodbye

by SickofLies 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyd0099

    Thanks for the inside look on things I have always wondered about.
    I wish you well and good luck.

  • Narkissos

    Thanks for what you have shared here.

    Goodbye and good luck.

  • sass_my_frass

    Thanks so much for what you've done, and congratulations - on getting out, and one what you're going to do with your life. You're very talented and insightful, and it's been great to watch you get on with it. Lots of people wish you very, very well.

  • luna2

    Bye, Dan! All the best to you. Hope to see you once in a while down the road.

  • sass_my_frass

    Just wanted to add; you've been through a massive thing, and the adrenaline will wear off soon. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling rotten and unhappy. You'll probably work out your own way of dealing with it, but importantly; don't stop talking about it until it goes away. Don't kid yourself that you're going to be happy immediately and stay that way; listen to your emotions and be gentle on yourself. Don't close the book yet, is what I'm saying, give yourself the time it's going to take.

    All the very best

  • mouthy

    Goodbye and good luck.

  • mouthy

    Good Luck. All the best as you travel the road of life. May the Lord travel it with you (((HUG))


  • mouthy

    Sorry about the double post... it got away from me after I copied it form some one else.

    Guess that will teach me to act independently. NOT copy someone else (sigh-story of my life )

  • Legolas

    Take care!

  • daystar

    Are you sure this is not one of those "lesser goodbyes" we've almost all posted at some point?

    Heh, seriously, good luck!

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