My memories are from 73-75 in Brooklyn and until 76 at WT Farm.
I thought the food was good. Not like a fancy restaurant but kind of like eating at a good buffet.
Some memories: when we had fish it usually was on Friday. Perhaps that had something to do with purchasing? Was the secular food market geared to offer cheaper prices for fish for Friday consumption? Don't know...but we used to wonder about that.
When we had baked fish we called it "faked bish."
When we had hamburger gravy at breakfast we called it "gravy train." (I actually liked it!)
We would call "shirred eggs" (baked in a dish) "vulcanized eggs." (I did NOT like those!)
The lowest turn out for the noon dinner meal was for liver and onions. The best dinners were held for Gilead graduation and usually included standing rib roast. It felt very much like Thanksgiving or Christmas. We usually got some extra time off for the noon meal.
It was at Bethel that I learned to eat grits. Not too bad if you put some butter in them (or jelly!)
On Sunday mornings they had cheese out for you to make sandwiches. There were often prunes, too. Kind of like poison and antidote. Cheese to clog you up and prunes to get you going again.
I did not like that there was no dinner on Sundays, however. Guess the guys in the kitchen did need the day off. I just got tired of those sandwiches!