And I survived it!
OMG - I took my teenager driving tonight!
by TresHappy 13 Replies latest jw friends
Did she do a good job driving?
I remember doing that with my two sons as they reached driving age, a real hair raising experience. You have my sympathy. LOL LOL
He did fine, I let him drive me to a nearby convenience store - he did OK until near home, he drove off the road a bit; just a bit; but enough to make me say OMG - hence the title of this thread...
I can totally empathize- I taught my daughter to drive about 18 months ago. Very frightening!
OMG i drive a motorcycle in london omg with bells on. Well you know what they say THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER ha ha ha
And I survived it!
Whew! Allah be praised!!!
Isn't it sweet teaching them how to drive? They grow up so fast.
And I survived it!
Congrats. However keep in mind that driving with them once is not enough. My hair is turning grey in a hurry due to the fact that I am teaching my teenager how to drive -- and she is learning on a stick! You should hear us yelling at each other in the car. I don't know who is stressed out more. Her. Or me. LOL
You have my sympathy TresHappy. You have many more torturous hours ahead of you.
OMG! is right!!! I have a teen turning 15 at the end of June! It`ll be my turn! Not looking forward to it, though it has to be done, right??!!!!! And they do grow up waaayyyy to fast!
Thank goodness - I have 16 years to worry about that - my daughter is only 6 months old !