OMG - I took my teenager driving tonight!

by TresHappy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    You survived...yay

    I gave up on my daughter & had her take a driving class. She doesn't take criticism from me too well and I got WAY too frustrated with her to be any benefit. That and she scares the hell out of me.

    Good luck! They do grow up too fast!


  • whyamihere

    I remember teaching my 3 brothers to drive, since I raised them.

    It was sooooo scary! One went over a curb, one almost hit a car, the last one was perfect, until he got his licences.

    I don't know why I of all people taught them, since I hit my Dad's truck 2 times(right before the meeting, so I blame the WT) I hit barricades on the road(doing my makeup while driving) and I have a few speeding

    I am a much better driver now...!


  • snarf

    Congratulations on your survival !!!! I think I will need a bottle of tranquilizers to keep me calm, I am only 2 years away from that lovely experience.

  • Celia

    I sympathise.... I started teaching my son to drive (Standard shift) when he was 14 y.o. On back roads, dirt roads.

    He got his Jr. license last March....

    He now has his own car....

    My hair has turned completely white since....

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