I realize people hear lack faith, Can't change them, but may this will help
by jw 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Please if we wanted to hear crap like this we would go to a meeting...How rude of you to say that we lack faith. Do you know any of us? I didn't think so. How do you figure we lack faith then? Many have a more stronger faith then ever. But, what you have my friend is called... BLIND faith. Keep living in your watchtower lie. I don't care!! But go and associate with your other cult members and stop associating with us....didn't you learn BAD ASSOCIATION SPOILS USEFUL HABITS....How do you expect to be upbuilt here?
Funny, the expression "lack faith". If a person believes whatever he's told, he's considered naive, gullible, a simpleton. A person that requires evidence -- one that "doesn't put faith in every inspired expression" -- is considered wise. But take that exact same concept and reword it, and suddenly it's a bad thing -- the person "lacks faith".
Consider the opener of this thread:
accurate knowledge is needed for you to be motivated to believe in God. "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld,"
The original poster says we need "accurate knowledge", but goes on to quote a Bible verse that says we should be "assured" of things we have not "beheld". In other words, we're supposed to be naive and gullible. Accurate knowledge is exactly what you MUST NOT have. If you have it, then you don't have faith. You've "beheld" the object of your faith, and it isn't faith anymore.
What you need is "opaque knowledge". Shadows and haze, that you can see something in, but you're not sure what. Then you can decide it is whatever the Bible says it is, and put faith in that. (No thanks)
Dave of the "lacking faith" class
Since most of you here recognize the unnerving state of being sheep that mindlessly follow in the path of spiritual leaders, it is my thought that you are on your way to embracing the Left Hand Path. Decide for yourselves what you will and will not believe. Continue on the road of self-choice that Satanail started and the first Human Pair embraced. You could ascen d to personal godhood...
Huh? Good lord
I think he means Satomail.
You could ascen d to personal godhood...
How p resumptive, been there done that, moved on, thanks........LOL
Hey JW, we love ya baby! you keep the board buzzing. Acadian -
Why have you taken a name associated with a demon? See below:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search- This article is about the angel or demon. For other meanings of Samael, see the disambiguation page.
Samael is an important figure in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer, and destroyer. Legends mentioning Satan refer equally to him, such that Samael is often taken to be the true or angelic name of the Devil, as opposed to the epithet, Lucifer (light-bearer), which is based on a dual fulfillment verse against the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4,12), or his functional title, Satan (adversary). However, Samael cannot always be simply identified with Satan, because some translations of the Book of Enoch confirm Satan's angelic name to be Satanail.
The etymology of Samael is "Venom of God," as he is sometimes identified with the Angel of death. But the name could also be derived from that of the Syrian god Shemal.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samael -
Are you, by the title of the thread, saying that people here lack faith...in general?
Lacking faith in God and the bible!
Help in what way?