There's a place for new *stars* isn't there?
Revival of the Old H2O
by binadub 20 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
Just another thought here.
There is always room for more websites that people can find to free themselves from the WTS. The more info out there, the easier it will be for people to find.
My point earlier, however, is that the old H20 cannot be revived. The rules of group dynamics just won't be able to replicate the same kind of intellectual research because as soon as you change one dynamic the rest will be the same. In this case far too many dynamics have changed. (group members, the needs of the group, the recovery growth of the members, etc)
But a similar forum can be successful if it meets the needs of the new people and perhaps some old-timers who go there.
Timothy Kline is the guy hosting the new site.
Ros has nothing to do with it except to give it a go as a participant. She was posting on the remains of the old H2O for a spell recently then left. But that site is too degenerated to be revived, and it is obvious.I think the main purpose of the new H2O is to publish the archives of the old one. The discussion part is just for anyone interested. No intention of creating the showtime of superstars of the former days.
Evidently, from a recent admin post on the old H2O, Rick and company (the other originators of the old forum) are in some kind of international collaboration to reform the WTS.
H20 was the Mecca for serious researchers, wackos and dub apologists.
Yeah, and the best part was you could never tell them apart :-)
H20 definitely helped LOTS of people on the way out. Without the wild west atmosphere, I really don't think it would be fun anymore. The wackos made the place fun.
-silent -
I tried to register. It shows me as registered. But it sent me no authentication e mail, and so I cannot log in. I checked to be sure no conflicts with my firewall, but nothing, so I can't use the forum.
So you see Esmeralda there but I can't post! Is this a board glitch, did anyone else have this problem?
I don't know why I even registered really...I mean I keep telling myself that I"m going to be spending a lot less time on exJW issues anyway...just thought I should let you know in case anybody else has the same tech probs I am. ACK! Uzzah, I missed your post the first time, reading this...if I'd seen it first I wouldn't have bothered trying to register there.
For the record I have no part with this new 'H20' board nor the other H20 running on aimoo.
I am certainly more than a little pissed that they decided to steal and copy outright my Oasis Forum (for abuse survivors) I created before moving on from H20. Even the fickin description is copied word for word. I suppose imitation is the highest form of flattery ....
Hoping all is well with you.
Uzzah/Kismet/Mod101I'd be pissed too! I don't see any reason for plaigarism. They could write their own intro, esp. the copying of the Oasis forum intro...that's wrong. It should be changed. I guess it doesn't matter I can't post, now I dont wanna post there anyway! Hey Farkel! Good to see you old man!!! hugs essie why won't the fricking highlighter feature turn off!!!!!
You're not having much luck, are you essie.
my old username and pass word still works there and I haven't been there for five years.I stumbled on it a week ago.
Nope, Ballistic I'm not and crud the thing still won't turn off! LOL Today has not been my day. Already been to the Vet ER with the cat, had the dryer start making a bangy noise (fortunately hubby is handy, found out we had a loose screw. and I know what you're thinking, don't say it lol) and now this! I think someone needs to sing me that "you had a bad day" that they play when they boot somebody from American Idol LOL
C'mon know full well JWD is Jehovahs Channel for ex-dubs. I outta turn your arse in for apostasy talkin that-a-way yea bastard!......btw, I tried twice to call you.
Hey gumby darling, Farkel is right enough. After all Simon built this site while posting on H20. During H20's death throes many moved here and helped raise JWD's status. I agree with those (like Farkel & Lady Lee) who say it can't be revived back to the way it was. From where I sat H20 was build on a solid core of excellent posters: AF, Farkel, JanH, Norm, Metatron, Seeker, Maximus, Thirdson, sKallywagger, Mtzion and others. It's true that the group dynamics won't be the same but one lives in hope. There is always room for good information and decent discussion (oh boy - can't us who've been through the watchtower wringer
talktype! .. 'ts all part of the therapy - three cheers for the internet anti-type unc -
Don't leave yourself off the list of the august posters from h20. I still vividly remember debating the finer points of Onanism with you! You brought a great deal of levity to a board where things could get rough at times.
Also, you left Sir Fred Hall off your list!