Do you REALLY want to know?

by serendipity 28 Replies latest social relationships

  • serendipity

    Is it important for you to know how many sexual partners your love interest had before you would consider him/her for a long term relationship, leading to marriage? Why would that info be important to you?

    That's a question I don't think I'd ask, or answer.

  • pudgey1

    I wouldnt ask. Its not important, however i would answer honestly if asked.

  • averyniceguy

    Sometimes I want to know, it just depends on the situation.

  • free2beme

    I would be more concerned about seeing a recent blood test and know they are desease free, if they say they are sexually active. In time, when matured as a relationship, we could discuss details. Woman often have more then men, which most people are shocked by.

  • osmosis

    LOL interesting question. Allow me to answer it by sharing a joke I once heard and have kept with me for several years now:

    Q: How is a pussy like a warm toilet seat?

    A: Both are nice but you wonder who was there before you.

  • snarf

    I stupidly have asked that question before. it is useless because you either know the person is lying or it is an answer you didn't want to know. I know because I have been asked and have smudged my answers by a few. Anyway, I think the important thing to remember is that they left their other partners (hopefully) and are now with you, and keep in mind that while they were with someone else that you were probably also with someone else. In my opinion as long as they are disease free, provide for prior children,if any, and treat you good....what does it matter.

  • luna2

    What snarf said. No, I wouldn't want to know...or, wait, it's not the knowing part, I guess I don't care one way or another about that...its the asking. Just asking can demonstrate a sort of insecurity and that doesn't interest me at all. I suppose if he wants to talk about it, that would be long as it was an infrequent sort of thing.

  • Elsewhere

    I just need her to fill out a few forms...

    No... I'm not in the habit of interrogating a love interest. I just ask for exclusivity.

  • serendipity

    lol @ elsewhere!

  • misanthropic

    ::That's a question I don't think I'd ask, or answer.
    Same here.

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