Anyone heard of "freecycling"

by ballistic 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Apparently this started in the US so some of you guys may have heard about it, and it's just arrived in the uk on yahoo groups. I think some may view it as a bit "chavy" like JH's thread on going through people's bins, but I see it as a great idea for getting rid of stuff without it going to land fill or damaging the environment. I've also asked people for things like broken laptops and so on to fix and make good of them.

    "This Freecycle group matches people who have things they need to get rid of with
    people who can use them. Our goal is to keep usable items out of the landfill.
    By using what we already have on this earth, we reduce consumerism, manufacture
    fewer goods, and lessen the impact on the earth. Another benefit of using
    Freecycle is that it encourages us to get rid of junk that we no longer need and
    promote community involvement in the process. Free your inner pack rat!"

  • mrsjones5
  • ballistic

    doh! Well, August 05, I guess I can be forgiven.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I moderate a Freecyle Yahoo Group here in Massachusetts. I think its a great thing!

    Best Regards,


  • ballistic

    wow - it was a lady your age who introduced me to it over here. Must be some conspiracy to attract us men.

  • Sunnygal41

    I have! I ran across an article on it, then went to a website it's really cool, I think, cuz mom always said: "one man's trash is another's treasure." Plus think of all the space we save in landfills!! It's a good thing to practice!!

  • rebel8

    I've given away several items via freecycle.

  • juni

    Thanks for the site Ballistic. Now I have a source for specific things. We usually give away more than advertising stuff for money. Giving to those who need it.


  • Fleur

    I tried it earlier this year, I had a large furniture type item I wanted to go to a good home but had no means to move. Several people flaked out on me before someone actually came to pick it up, it was like the wives wanted it and the husbands were like "no way"

    It was frustrating.

    Next time I think I'd just have friends haul it out to the curb for me (can't lift anything heavy myself) and let whoever came by and saw it, have it.

    It's a great theory but if you have people who don't follow through, it's a pain. Oh, and the people who post wants like "plasma tvs". Who the hell is gonna freecycle a new plasma tv? What is this, Santa's wish list? LOL


  • Kenneson

    Through freecycle we learned that waste management at the landfill collects discarded paint, which it keeps in a warehouse and gives to those who can use it. Therefore, we were able to paint the front of the Shelter/Soup Kitchen where I work.

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