Now, I'm really getting into this. So far I have got rid of a collection of whisky bottles (god what was I thinking), a large clay pot full of mud and filled a request for a satellite dish. Just posted two large items of furniture. And I plan on getting rid of a whole load more. I'm like a reformed collector-maniac. It's a good feeling to get rid of stuff, better than it was to collect junk in the first place!
Anyone heard of "freecycling"
by ballistic 19 Replies latest jw friends
For some time I knew there was a need for something like this, but I was never sure how to pull it off.
Great idea! I'm glad someone was smart enough to figure it out.
yes, i am on my way to pick up a printer for my pc after work today, as mine bit the dust:)
I thought this was when someone dropped you and your bicycle off at the top of a hill and you coasted down to the bottom....then that someone picked you up in a truck and took you back home.
Gumby... I could have swore that you had a thing going on freecycle with unclebruce after reading this thread...
Apostate Kate
YES! It is great. We have used it to get rid of stuff. There is always great free stuff being advertised.
Last wk someone posted on my local group an item with baby pee on it! Once I saw a bedspread that said something like "yellow floral pattern, faded, has some holes, cat pee"!!! People are so odd....
Oh come on. Someone took my whisky bottle collection for it to appear in a movie set. Maybe someone making a movie needs a pee stained bed spread. Don't knock this thing - it's great.
Oh I'm not knocking it--helped me unload a ton of stuff I didn't want to put in the trash. People have been really happy to get the stuff too. It's so much better than dumping more stuff into the landfills. Usually I give stuff to the Salvation Army, but they're becoming picky.
I'm going to ask for pinecones in the fall so I can use them for mulch.....
Is it really your birthday? Happy birthday!
(Still, you gotta laugh at the pee items!!!!)
Yeah I know what you mean - and yeah, I just woke up and thought, "it's my s*dding birthday again!"