May 28--Four years since Dateline's JW sex abuse program aired. Results?

by AndersonsInfo 90 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sf

    Regarding O'Reilly vestering ANY interest in covering this issue...

    Since even before DATELINE aired, I was sending him emails, with stories and links. After it aired, I sent more mail. For the past four years, even more mail, with more stories and internet coverage. I even searched out the a number to call and left a message. Tried calling his radio show and was asked what topic I wanted to bring up. When I revealed it, I was put on hold...forever!

    Not ONCE have I even received an email back from him or FOXNEWS, as many other news orgs do, acknowledging they even got the email. Many times at least I receive an auto-reply stating they recieved the mail, yet due to high volume, they can't personally respond.

    Plus FOXNEWS and NBC don't exactly have a love affair going on these days.

    Bill O'Reilly is only out to boost himself up, in the ratings. Don't let all his hot air about dealing with pedophiles fool you. His number one concern is for his boss Rupert and ultimately for himSELF.

    But hey, knock yourselves out. Let me know though if you get a reply.

    Your best bet is to get out the door, with informational fliers that bring awareness {ORDADE, SEE MY "MEMO TO TED JARACZ" THREAD} and knock on doors around the various kingdom halls and wherever jws gather. My next mission is to find out where book studies are held and canvass those hoods.

    I'll post in the MEMO THREAD about yesterdays satisfying and rewarding day of field service I had. And the one jw whose door I knocked on and she answered.


  • sf

    Oh, and jonesy, I fully concur with your post. As we always said in jw yahoo chat...

    It's not FOR the jws, it's ABOUT them.

    Love ya, sKally

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks girlfriend...keep up the good fight.


  • orangefatcat

    Odrade, that is an excellent idea about making a proffesional look booklet or broucher the bring news to the people in our communities.

    I think it would go over well and have positive effects with the population.

    Does anyone know how one would go about doing something like that?


  • bikerchic

    Thanks Barbara for the reminder!

    Of course, Witnesses still deny that there are molesters holding positions of authority in the organization, but we have the proof, although many refuse to look at it. Scores of kudos are in order for everybody's efforts these past four years to make known the truth about the sexual abuse scandal within the Witness organization. From phone calls, e-mails and other private information, I know tens of thousands have left the Watchtower organization because they investigated the allegations made on Dateline and other TV programs, and were convinced all claims were true.

    Never underestimate the power of spreading the word!

  • sf


    There are already several up on the net...brochures and fliers.

    Go to and/or rebel8's site. I also devised on that I've used for two weeks now, out in the field, going door to door. I think Danny Haszard has one up too.

    Seek and you shall find.


  • happy man
    happy man


    I can tell from Inside that this topic is still very hott,to discuss widh JW,if you like me have seen the polyci from your one expiriense, and tell this to JW you talk to, how it works,(fore many it is unknown) they are s illent and some very unhapy, some have even been ill when they have understand how it works and that was no lies told about us, I have told severla in my country and most agree widh mee that something is very wrong just now, but as the say we have to wait fore better times, do they ever come, we can ask after 4 years.

    love HM

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I know tens of thousands have left the Watchtower organization because they investigated the allegations made on Dateline and other TV programs, and were convinced all claims were true.

    You are so right there, Barbara, I am one of them. The policy on handling these cases was one of the things that first caused me to doubt that I had the truth, and once I started examining the evidence of the scale of the problem I was on my way out. In Britain it was the Panorama programme that exposed the jws mishandling of these cases, and although I didn't watch it when it came out, I saw it on silentlambs last year, and I was horrified.

    We actually had a case locally last year, and the brother concerned is about a year into a 7.5 year jail sentence now, although as far as I know he will be welcomed back by the jws when he is released, and presumably allowed to participate in the ministry. I am actively trying to inform local people of the type of people who might be calling on them, dedpoet wrote an article a few months ago exposing the way the jws handle these cases, and it is being distributed in the area. Hopefully, it will make people think twice before allowing jws into their homes, although I doubt any amount of bad publicity will force the wts hierachy to change their policies, they are far too entrenched in their ways to change easily. It seems to me that the victims of child abuse are the last people they consider when a case arises, they are far more concerned with the reputation of the org and the congregation concerned. They are paying a heavy price for their intransigence already, and the cost is likely to increase. We will be doing all we can to ensure that it does.


  • Fangorn

    Sorry, but I just don't know of a shred of evidence to support the statement that tens of thousands have left the organization because of the exposure of this issue. If you have such evidence I would love to see it.

  • Bull Yaa
    Bull Yaa

    About a month ago I heard that Bill Bowen was getting things ready for another show, but I don't know when it is to air. Has anyone

    else heard anything?

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