What I dont understand is the toalty sero respect fore peopel as know how the polyci is.
When the TV program i our country come we have a letter the day before the program from the hedquorter, about al lies as come on TV they told us not to look, after the on the summer we have this terribel talks on assamblies, dont listen to the voice from the strangers,I was so uppset when I heard the leading man from HQ say dont you trust us in this, do you realy think we hide peoel as have done bad things, no of course not, evryone was so happy, but not we as know, how can this man be so evel that he was lying to all this people, he must know how bad we must feel as hade been told to put things in Jehovas hand, in my case, when I was told from sercuit overser that i must forget and dont talk about this widh anyone, if I do I will dirty Jehovas name,I know that the man as talk on the assambly himself have decide to hide things after the TV program, and despite this he say this lies .
But if you read the letter they send out very carefully they addmit the problems, beacuse they say, we must have the power to judge about ourselfs, and we put in peopel too the police if THE LAW SAY So, my mother told mee, ther you see they give in peopel to the police if they have done bad things, but i TOLD HERE, IN OUR COUNTRY THE LAW DONT SAY THET YOU MUST DO THIS, so what they say is if you read carefully ,is we dont do this beacuse the law dont force us to .My mother was then silent, talking about dubbeltalk.
The most terribel thing in my expiriense was when th CO try to explain fore mee why I as a famyli member and wittnes to bad thngs done by unother famyli member, dont have to tell anyone in my famylie about this , this was the sinners djuty to do, and if he dont do this, we cane do nothing, when my mother call the elders and ask why her husband was putting down as elder, they answer ,ask him, we cane say nothing.
I have been succes full in fading away, nowan contakt mee, not even from near relatives from the cong, we are outlaws , my wife is still very active, despite this she is also frozen out, evrything is very tragik, peopel as know whats happend beacuse I told them is very unhappy, two have died from heart probelms, as I see it beacuse al this mess in the cong, some have other sikness probelms, like depresions.
This is a problem, shall you convince peopel as you love about bad things is in ther religion, and the outcome is they lost ther love to life, this is a bigg dillma fore mee, it is not so fun to see how loved ones lost ther joy fore life , so I have decide to not say so much any more, the price is to high, the most important thig is that the elders and Co never try to contakt mee, and it looks like they dont fell fore contakting mee, they know that I have 100 procent proof fore what I tell tem.