The '2006 Deliverance at Hand" Conventions are about to begin this month. I can't wait to hear about the "NEW LIGHT". Any one have any insite or when we should hear the first whispers.......
New Light, I can't Wait.........
by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends
I believe "new light"™ is coming this year but I would be suprised if they release it at the D.A. There is just too long a time frame between when the first assembly is held to when the last one is given. This would allow too much time for speculation and idle gossip untill all the "flock" is informed.
I expect the WT in the fall will come up with I would even speculate that it will be the Oct. WT. You know how much Dubs like the month of Oct.......
Anyone protesting anywhere? I'd like to do it once just to say I did it.
Anyone protesting anywhere? I'd like to do it once just to say I did it.
You want to know something funny SYNERGY. I attended a DC wayback in the early 70's at San Francisco Cow Palace. While walking into the Convention were a small group of demonstrators holding signs etc. I just thought "How Sad those people were so misled".... I wasted a life time waiting to join them....
I remember for the most part, there was hardly anything new at the conventions. New light happened about once every third or fifth year. That is if you even remembered what the old light was enough to recognize the change.
Any one have any insite or when we should hear the first whispers.......
Well I heard through the grapevine that the New Light that's going to be revealed is one of the following:
- Armageddon is "right around the corner"
- The internet is baaaaad and run by Satan de debbil
- Everyone is slacking off in Service and Meeting Attendence and they're authorizing the elders to use corporal punishment
- We are in the toenails of Daniel's image. We know this from the artists rendition in one of the new publications
That's pretty funny, Mary
Severus is hosted by Satan himself.
You heard it here first!
In 1995 the changes came in the fall after the summer conventions were past. Doctrinal changes used to come at the summer assemblies but lately changes have been more secular and procedural.
The generation change was the complete loss of the promised reward for hundreds of thousands of unpaid workers. That was not a change really, it's was more of an admission of error by way of avoidance of admission or error. Whatever it was, the Society needed management of the timing and they needed the announcement made in the small group context so the middle level of management could watch for fall out.
Conventions play up. Bad news (like the loss of the generation prediction) needs to be played down. A weekly Watchtower study is a play down. An Awake article is a low down play down. A Kingdom Ministry article is a hideaway play down. -
Their new light is just as worthless as their old light and it will soon be on its way to becoming old light and be rejected. So one shouldn't even bother listening to such nonsense that is often calculated to mislead and manipulate.
The new light in the Bible (book of proverbs) relates to the lifestyle of the righteous and not the dogmas of a cultic organisation.