Lil I am not saying MY way is right. But I have to add my 2 cents worth... If she still clings to the "truth" way of life!!!! I would say "You know the Bible says if we are offended by some one we should go straight to them so I am coming to you- to tell you>..."I feel you are in the past, & I to believe as scripture says, he that looks back is lost, if we are to make straight paths in our life now we must look ahead. I find your very negetive, But because YOU consider me a friend- I want to be one & tell you the truth, about why your so unhappy,,, You have to stop complaining.... "
I have done this to MANY in my group, I have received nasty letters after telling me "Who the hell did I think I am" ? I may not have heard from them for 2 or 3 years, but they all came back.... Saying "Well you are too direct but I like you as a friend....And they need a friend.... But of course this is NOT the way to make friends -but you do make a few enemies ----but I have been hated by many more than one.....So I am getting used to it. But YOUR kids are MORE important than this lady....They need to forget the tunnell you came out of.... & if she is around they wont. "If you dont look after your own your worse than an infidel." Where did I read that LOL????