by jw 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    jw has the same style of writing and mental attitude as Older on beliefnet.com

    Oh well, you see one troll and you've seen 'em all.

  • damselfly
    If you have a need to hate the WTS then so be it.

    Okay, with you so far

    But don't hate all JW's, that is just wrong .

    I don't. All of my family is still in and I love them very much. There are no JW's that I hate.

    You preach that you have found truth, if that were the case then where is your love for all humans?

    Truth does not equal "love" anymore then lies equals "hate". Which is all besides the point as I feel if as a group we preach anything its freedom.


  • KW13

    one other thing...

    if were the angry hateful ones...how come you've not said anything nice yet? how come you've not offered us a free home bible study? is that blood on your head? no no you've just gone red.

  • blondie

    Yes, for the last 52 years the WTS has applied Psalm 139:21,22 to hating individuals, apostates, and it being a "proper" hatred.

    *** w92 7/15 pp. 12-13 Christ Hated Lawlessness—Do You? ***

    The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates. Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David, who declared: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies." (Psalm 139:21, 22) Modern-day apostates have made common cause with "the man of lawlessness," the clergy of Christendom.

    *** g70 10/22 p. 28 "You Must Not Murder" ***"

    Thus the psalmist David wrote with Jehovah God’s approval: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you?" All such hate is proper, because it is based on principle, not on passion, on love of righteousness, not on selfishness. Besides, one who thus hates God’s enemies is content to wait for God to execute such enemies.—Ps. 97:10; Rom. 12:9; Ps. 139:21, 22.

    *** w54 4/15 p. 234 Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine ***

    In this connection, however, it must be observed that the Bible shows that there is such a thing as a proper hatred, a "perfect hatred," the kind of hatred that David had for those who hated God. (Ps. 139:21, 22) But such hatred does not harm us, because it is not coupled with a desire to personally work injury upon those hated, but rather results in a loathing of them, causing us to avoid having anything to do with them.
  • jw
    but seem to have abandoned the thread which Auld Soul created for you

    No I have not abandon it. I just don't get online everyday.

  • jw


    You left out one important factor, ( Hate the Deed , not the person is actually a biblical scripture. Wts did not fabricate it.

  • Dismembered


    Have you ever sang the lyric in the Watchtower song, I think it's "Walkin' In Integrity "I HATE the company, of those who truth despise"?

    "But as for me, determined I shall be to walk eternally....blah blah blah

    Nice way to start off a meeting huh!


  • jw

    I just think the attitude ya'll have toward the wts and Jw's is wrong. And I just hope to voice my opinion regardless if it does any good or not.

  • KW13

    There is no attitude problem here. They are in the wrong, we are CLEARLY doing something right about it or the site wouldn't grow this quick and people like myself wouldn't join.

  • jw

    Have you ever sang the lyric in the Watchtower song, I think it's "Walkin' In Integrity "I HATE the company, of those who truth despise"?

    Actually , no!

    Have you?

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