Ok, as some of you know, I was suppose to have a "study" with my mom and an Elders wife yesterday. Well, the Elders wife couldn't make it because "something came up". I guess it was more important than my salvation.
Anyway, I still went to my parents house. And mom being in the desperate mode feeling she needs to "save" me, decided that we would still have the "study" with her and my pioneer sister. So we got into the discussion. To start, I asked her if we could stay on 2 points so we can take all of my questions one at a time and not go all over the place. She agreed and thought that was best. Anyway, as we're discussing it, and I made my point. She said that now SHE has to have them answered. And she's going to try to find out about it. One thing that I brought out was the account where David killed 700 men in chariots...and several chapters down was basically same account (same situation, city and such) that said he killed 7,000 men in chariots. I could see that my mom was intrigued. So my sister said she thought that it was because it was written by 2 different men with two different perspectives. I said I understand that, but which is it? 700 or 7,000. Sister said it didn't mattered. My mom jumps in and says, "I know where you're going with this, so let me try to answer". She explained because they were imperfect men trying to do their best. BINGO!!!! That's EXACTLY what I wanted her to say. Because I was able to ask her, then what proof says that other things aren't messed up. How do we know that what we read is by god if imperfect men made mistakes in the bible. Both my sister, mom... and even dad who can argue anything sat there quietly for quite a while. Then mom chimed in and said, NOW I need that answered. This wasn’t the whole discussion because it was an hour long. But I’m trying to put the “main” parts in this post so that it won’t become a 3 page deal. I’ve got MANY that will need explaining. I also showed them how to come up with information (I had a printout also) on where the Society owns part of the warfare stocks. (Thanks to Junction guy) This had an impact on my parents. So, now, I need to get more damning evidence ready for later after they have chewed this up for a while. The next one will probably be Mexico and Malawi incident. At least they now have questions on their own. I don’t think things will change… or not for a while. And I think I’ll still get disfellowshipped before they (IF/when) they see the “wrongs” of that religion. But at least my parents will have those questions in their minds.
Is the Mexico and Malawi a good next step? Or what should I take next time? Thank you all for your help with my parents. I do feel real good about this.
My mom did admit that yes, she could be wrong about the religion. That’s a step I never thought I’d hear. My dad and sister still won’t admit to that.