david christopher is a bi polar mental case and anything he posts on here is nothing but a lot of bull. he has no clue what he is talking about and thinks he is going to save the world by talking to people on the internet. he claims that god and jesus tell him what to do but also thinks he is satan. he acts more like satan by the way he treats his family especially his two sons he has nothing to do with and they are both children under the age of five. he has made life for both of the boys mothers a living hell. he also has spent time in a mental hospital for his condition and refuses to get treatment for his illness. he is a danger to himself and to others. he once told a 14yr girl to stab him so he could suffer like christ did and also wants people to stone and whip him when he has been bad. now how crazy is that. whoever runs this website i would ban him because he is giving people false hope and info. he thinks that jehovah witness people are zombies and robots. please get rid of him and let him leave these people alone and let them worship and have beliefs the way they want to.
do not read anymore of this persons topics
by DavidChristopher 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i would ban him because he is giving people false hope and info.
Trust me, my hope does not come from men, whether it be D. Christopher or the idiots at bethel.
Second, if D. Christopher is having mental issues, instead of being a typical J-dub and discouraging medical help for such a disease you should encourage medical help.
And don't tell me that J-dubs encourage medical help for depression, I've never in my life seen a witness encouraging another to get therapy or medical treatment for depression.
Also, whoever this is posting the message,, get a life and go do something productive.
I've never in my life seen a witness encouraging another to get therapy or medical treatment for depression.
I knew a few JWs that did encourage people to get professional help. I encouraged many. I would even volunteer to help them pick a doctor, therapist, etc., and provide transportation and a way to pay for it. I will admit we were the minority rather than the majority. The elders I knew would not prevent it...more forward thinking than some. I think it depends on how provincial the body is.
He's not gunna be too happy with you misses.
Actually, DavidChristopher, has been pretty mild compared to some posters. As to not liking JWs, etc., most of us are ex-JWs anyway.
Judas I.
Thank you guys!!!
Dee Dee...perhaps your actions are overpowering your words.
Wanna bang heads in front of everyone? Fine by me girl...lets roll.
Why are you so scared to try to have me committed? I offer you the phone all the time. Is it because you would be pursuing a self-destructive course as you would lose the money I bring into from my job? I can't work and help you pay the bills if I am "getting help" right?
I think you are being very selfish and I feel sorry for you. I need to figure out some way to help you. Do you have any ideas of how I could please you AND God?
Tell me how so I may do it for you.
* Waves to DavidChristopher / Judas I. before this thread is locked.*
A Paduan
he thinks that jehovah witness people are zombies and robots
He's hardly wrong about thatplease get rid of him
? - sounds deep - like there's more to this
He does help people by going on the internet, even if only as an expression of support in numbers of posters - jws are a cult of potentially harmful, coercive, self-focused and nasty zealots - the more exposure they recieve the less innocents are victims - who else in wider society would shun their own children because they refuse to believe proven lies?
WTF??? Am I in the Twilight Zone?? Who are these nutbars??