Why are JWs so freakin' concerned with what any one person does with their lives? Why do they care if one of its members "smells the coffee" and thinks for themselves? Or, God forbid, does something "worldly"? Why don't they just let everyone make their choices and go their own path?
It's two things really: control and conversion.
The GB are like abusive parents who will not let their children grow up. They insist on treating the flock as though they're 5 years old and can't make a proper decision without consulting "Mother". How many stories do you hear of overbearing mothers who, even after their children are grown and married, insist on trying to control their lives and are constantly butting in to matters which don't concern them?
The other problem withe the JWs, is that they take the whole "converting" people too far. Yes, Jesus told his followers to preach and follow him, but the Witnesses have adapted the attitude: It's our way or the highway. They feel it is their Christian duty to convert and hold as many people as possible, because of the erroneous belief that everyone who's not a baptized JW will die at Armageddon. Therefore, they think they're justified in telling others how to live their lives. Plus of course, they're trained to rat family and friends out if they're not towing the line---another form of control.
In the end, I don't think Jehovah or Jesus will be nearly as judgemental as what humans are and I think alot of Witnesses are in for a big surprise come Judgement Day.
I think Honesty's comments are spot on too.