The WTBTS have only one objective: to keep their religious engine on the tracks.
The pastoral care of their followers (although they would publicly deny it) is right at the bottom of their priorities.They demand abject loyalty. As a matter of sociological fact the subscribers to the Watchtower belief are on average placed at the lowest rung of the income ladder and in the bottom category of the least educated of religious groups. An educated following could not cope with the contradictions and absurdities.
The key facilitator of the Watchtower objective is to have the money keep on rolling in... Forget the needs of the flock!
A doomsday cult is all about the marketing of hope...the ever imminent arrival of reward for your loyalty to the cult. The cult never has to prove its abilities to furnish satisfaction because it relies on the mind and lifestyle control of its customers through its propaganda machine in relation to the spurious hope. It works only on the basis of “hope” and strictly not on the realisation of what that hope is for. This is the religious scam. This is what keeps the money coming in.
But here is my point, in the last century from around 1927 onward the WTBTS promoted a plausible untruth that those who saw 1914 would also see Armageddon. Like every other fatuous edict from the Watchtower, delivered with threat and promise; it failed. In the last century they convinced people that they alone had exclusive divine attention and pointed to the events of 1914 as if they had predicted WW1 by divine providence. This belief is a travesty of what was actually prophesied. Instead of religious glory it was a disaster and Russell knew it. With JC ruling in the heavens since 1878, it was taught that by 1914 he would bring the destruction of all of “God’s enemies” along with the rapture of the consecrated (anointed) and the earth returned to paradise by then. Not surprisingly more than half the membership (or was it two thirds?) decided not to follow Joe Frankly Ratherflawed who had dishonourably grabbed control of the magazine but could not control the proprietorship of the Russellite beliefs, for they splintered into various sects.
The 1914 untruth is no longer evidence for their claim for exclusive divine attention. The “overlapping generations” fools nobody; it only exposes the GB desperation. The consistent prophetic failures of the Watchtower are evidence that Big J is not interested in them, if he were interested or if he existed at all, he would have got it right the first time! So without the theological fixture of 1914, to what other myths about themselves can this doomsday cult resort, to demonstrate that God is exclusively using them?