Finding Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Faith

by Marvin Shilmer 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • yaddayadda

    The most reliable means would be to conduct a survey, but of course the Society would never allow that and if you tried to organize one in the congregation or you circuit you would be booted out onto your ass lickity split.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    There is an interesting dichotomy when it comes to the expressing of doctrine on the part of the R&F JWs. On the one hand there is published, at odd times, a standard though imprecise statement of beliefs [as in the "Proclaimers" book pgs 144,145] which every member is expected to adhere to, on pain of expulsion.

    However, being linguistically nimble, and doctrinally flaccid, many of the writings pouring out of WT presses, appear, at least to the majority of the R&F, to be designed, not to enlighten, or elaborate these issues but to blur them. This appears to be a deliberate policy on the part of the leadership. Many of the articles published in the material emanating from WT HQ are written in a stylized jargon of recurring mantras that many of the the R&F, even the alert ones, are often unaware when a policy shift occurs. Hence there is often a genuine inability on their part to articulate, even standard WT doctrine.

    For instance, despite the fact that the WTS has shifted its position on the "1914 generation" having published its reasons for doing so as far back as 1995, 11years ago, I am still convinced that the vast majority of the R&F are unable to fully comprehend what this shift is, and more importantly, what it means, doctrinally to them. I don't blame them. Reading that article in the Nov 15 1995 WT, one finds it to be a classic example of double-speak, a concept raised to a fine art by the writers of the WT. It takes a fine writing skill, honed over many years of obfuscation, to write one thing while simultaneously encouraging an opposite idea in the mind of the reader.

    In fact many of the rank and file will find their doctrines more clearly, albeit, critically, articulated here in this Forum than in their own publications. It is when the average JW has to depend on his literature alone, that this lack of clarity occurs, and a consequent disparity in current doctrine may appear.


  • james_woods

    Hi Marvin -

    Well, that 10% number does not surprise me at all. And, we could probably draw the conclusion that at least this many are also in doubt about UN, 1975, the whole F&DS myth, the new earth, armaggedon ever really coming, etc.

    In that sense, it is astonishing that they (that 10% + ther kids, relatives, friends, etc.) continue to snort up this slop at the same old hog trough.

    But, then - how many Roman Catholics started using birth control after about 7.5 babies irregardless of Pope Benedict Arnold? And still go to mass and play bingo on friday nights?

    Obviously, you had something in mind when you started this thread - maybe to use this logic as a leverage to help some of the lost souls into a clearer understanding of their own minds? If so - let us know what your plan is - please! For me, I haven't yet been able to see how this interesting artifact can serve a practical purpose...

    But, thanks for posting it anyway -


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